In stunning contradistinction to today's grifting, huckster, in it for the money mountebanks, we have HRH Henrietta Maria. Of course the puritans hated her catholicism and, I'd argue, everything she stood for, not least the divine right of kings and Christendom itself.

You'll note her pearls. These enraged protestant sensibility, and she fled the Sceptered Isle when the war went wrong to carry on the fight to the enemy using her not inconsiderable fortune. Do you think her Puritan/Protestant fanatics = today's Leftists? I'd argue yes. You may not, your call.
Regardless, we know the result. The regicides were exhumed and dumped in the Thames, fittingly, while Charles II reigned in a kind of late renaissance (are you sure 'renaissance'? Ed.) degenerate glory. Maria, you'll be glad to know, lived in Somerset House on the Strand during that time but later returned to France.
Prince Rupert of the Rhine, all hail the exuberant cavalry commander, was her nephew. I count her a hero, you may not, no "rule."
Semper Eadem
Charles I died for being Catholic, so that makes him one of the multitude of Christian Martyrs.
Henrietta supported Catholic causes so that makes her a hero.
Nobody, not even Charles II, won the English Civil War and the followup Restoration.
By the by, in reference to said ECW and the Big R, the BBC produced two excellent mini-series dealing with the ECW and the Big R. "By the Sword Divided" and "By the Sword United." Excellent costuming, the history is excellent, the settings are excellent, the acting is... of course, excellent. One of those things that proved the Beeb could do excellence.
She did it HER way, no question.
Totally agree, Beans.
She was loyal, selfless and true, not least to the Faith. Of course the Puritans weren't too happy about that, but then again they never are. Regardless, she and her husband are martyrs.
When HRH CI met Cromwell in Whitehall, prior to his beheading, he asked the victorious parliamentarian general, no mean cav commander, "Is it customary for you to wear your hat in the presence of your king?" Whereupon Cromwell replied, "I have no King but Christ." Or something like that.
Roughly translated, bonehead protestant then, bonehead protestant now. Not much has changed, except that our rulers aren't martyr saints for the Faith.
That she did, Mr. NFO. Imagine having Rupert of the Rhine in the family. Huh...
I was expecting a plea to send two US carrier battle groups and a US Marine Division to the UK in an attempt to forestall national collapse. (phone call with LSP)
Tell me about the Puritans. Yeesh, if the Gods-forsaken communists had kept their noble experiment going any longer, well, I wouldn't be here. Fortunately they didn't all become good commies, but embraced capitalism and thus, well, me.
Hah! LL, I held fire until this evening... fun talking.
Beans, Belloc makes the point, and I think it a good one, that the Reformation without England wouldn't have amounted to anything. That's surely true, where it fits into Divine Providence is another thing altogether.
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