Monday, November 21, 2022

Who Were These Men?


Who were the men who built the mighty British Empire? Were they effete, tofu gorging, soy swilling, self-apologizing, climate aggrandizing soi bois? Were they puberty blocking trans Rainbow Warriors? No, they were not. Here's IKB:

You'll note he had a knighthood, in contradistinction to Paul McCartney, give that man a K. My, how that worm's turned. Then there's Gladstone, the Great Statesman. Look at his face and ask, "Would he have been in favour of trans marriages, for a second."

No, of course not. Point being, who were these men? Giants.

Arduus Ad Solem,



Wild, wild west said...

Nor did they import their own non-assimilating replacements by the boatload from third world snit holes. Hail Britania indeed.

Not that we Colonials are doing that much better on this side of the pond.

SgtBob said...

They had assurance in the rightfulness of their cause. Their greatest mistake was in drawing arbitrary lines on maps and designating which tribe could live where. Keep the peace as much as possible and let the natural course surface.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

You can't fool me. That's not Gladstone. That's Keith Richards!

LL said...

Times have changed.

LSP said...

It's an... issue, Wild. That said, at least our replacements aren't Mohammedans.

LSP said...

That's a very good call, Sgt. Perhaps India's maybe an exception? But what am I saying, Ind/Pak war. After independence but still.

LSP said...

Dammit, Infidel! Got me again.

LSP said...

That they have, LL, we live in their receding shadow.

The Egyptian said...

IKB, the man was a genius, and if you read up on him, damn tough.
The man had balls the size of church bells.