Showing posts with label doomsday prepper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doomsday prepper. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Threeper Bass Blitz

Don't get me wrong, Bluegill fishing is pretty fun, a lot of fun, even, and they're good for the fry up. But when you've caught a relaxing cooler full you start to wonder if there's more adventure to be had in Seaworld, well, Lakeworld. And there is, Bass Blitz!

There you are, reeling in the ferocious panfish from the limestone bank when off to your left, maybe 100 yards away, there's a sound like frying bacon. But it's not bacon, or the warming noise of a crackling fire, it's fish, leaping up out of the water in a blitzing feeding frenzy.

Look Out! Blitz Starting! Come on You Fish!

If only they were closer! you think as you hoist up another piranalike fighter and, just in case, you rig up a topwater lure on your backup rod. I chose a large Heddon Super Spook, why? Because I wanted the lure to be weighty enough for a long cast.

Ah Ha!

Sure enough, the Blitz came in, as the leaping Bass tore up the water within 30 or 40 yards. So I got on them with the Spook. Bang! and the lure went down. Big fun, I tell you. But here's the thing, the Spook was too big and I'd have caught more with a Tiny Torpedo, still, hindsight's 20/20.

See The Rain?

Then rain came in, the lake grew choppy and the Blitz subsided into the deep, leaving me with no option but to head to a desk, a computer and a printer. Please don't laugh, it's true.


For some reason a Threeper Pie seems appropriate.

Blitz on!


Friday, September 9, 2016

Debt Star

Something cheerful, via ZeroHedge:

Mounting debt generates its own limit: insolvency. Demographics shaped by the transfer state compound the problem. Stealing the fruits of labor penalizes honest productivity and constricts opportunity. Faced with bleak prospects, many of the young opt out of the financial obligations of starting families, rearing children, or even supporting themselves. Birthrates have dropped far below replacement in most developed countries: fewer people to fund taxes and debt just as the number of putative beneficiaries skyrocket. Pension shortfalls around the world are the canary in this coal mine. The mathematics are inescapable. Present arrangements are unsustainable, but will continue until debt markets and taxpayers rebel.
They will face a counter-rebellion by dependency-warped recipients deprived of that which was never really theirs. Those who can but don’t honestly produce are both dishonest and unproductive. Faced with a cut-off, expect chaos and violence.

You have been warned.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tornado Eschaton

If you're a millionaire socialist, like Russell Brand, or Hillary Clinton, you might not be affected by the weather. Just climb into a private jet when things go wrong, and fly somewhere else

I'm not so lucky, when a Tornado Warning flashes across the screen, there it is and there I am, in the midst of it.

That's what happened this evening. The sky turned grey, then green, then black, and big hail started rocketing down from heaven like so many icy meteors.

I took in a worried parishioner who thought it'd be safer in the Compound. Perhaps it was, as the ice rattled off the house like shrapnel at the battle of Verdun.

It was neat driving around the town in the storm. Good thing I had a truck; other drivers were less fortunate, stranded in the flooded streets. Maybe they're armed, maybe the're not. If not, they'll wish they were.

As I write this, rain falls down in sheets, lightning flashes across the sky and we stand here, resolute on the perimeter, magazines full and round in the chamber.

Go on, Libs, come and take it. Just you try.

Be safe,