Showing posts with label Oz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oz. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Great Oz Porkulus

Well here we are in the Land of Oz, and when the curtain's pulled back what do we see? Our elite Overlords getting ready to vote on a massive China Virus stimulus bill. Good work, millionaires, about time you decided to help out people whose livelihoods have been wrecked by your electioneering lockdowns and business closures.

That's why the second largest bill in US history includes $14 million for the suffering Kennedy Center, $10 million for "gender programs" in, please don't laugh, Pakistan, and cash for for HIV/AIDS workers in foreign countries, so they can buy and insure new cars. To say nothing of billions in foreign money laundering aid. But you, the American, get $600. And think yourself lucky, serf. 

You can read all/some about it at PJ Media. In the meanwhile, what heinous, brazen, literal disregard for the people. Even AOC scorns it, unlike, say, Mitch McConnell. Hey, can't pay your rent, foreclosed? Don't worry, peasant, the EPA gets $33 million for new buildings, so sleep easy, dirt person.

Gentlemen and gentlewomen, have we reached the point at which our governance is so utterly corrupt and in such blatant disregard of the people who pay it to exist that we have to take action? If so, what? Voting, apparently, doesn't work anymore and neither do the courts.

I'd say there's trouble brewing, but that's just me. What's your take?

January 6,


Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day Comrades

The Compound

You stand to at first light, waiting for cadres of fanatical Frankfort School revolutionaries to infiltrate the compound's perimeter in the predawn mist. Such is Labor Day in these dark and troubled times. But guess what, we got a pass. 

The trip flares didn't go off, none of the Claymores exploded, no one had to throw a grenade, there weren't any shadowy figures being deadly in the hedge, and all was good. Huge sigh of relief. Now what?

Texas Dawn

Drive to the 'Spawl or stay in the bucolic bliss of this unreconstructed Texan farming community? Easy call, stay, and what a good choice. Everyone here's happy, smiling, laughing, helping each other out, full of the joy of the day. 

Perhaps they're elated that Labor Day 2019 didn't usher in a demented, satanic Bolshevik revolution. Then again, maybe they're simply happy at the prospect of good times with family and friends, free of the Communist menace.

A Typical Texan Vista

Who knows and I'm not complaining. So fire up the grill, have the best time with your people, and enjoy a great Labor Day. You know what they say, workers of the world unite.

Your Friend,


Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Clinton Color Revolution

American politics is weird and getting weirder, as Gold Trump lines up for an epic face-off against Green Hillary. That's right, green. Some are calling it a color revolution.

Look closely at this photo of Hillary from the Super Tuesday primaries.

Clearly Visible Green Glow

Hillary emanates an otherworldly green aura that's clearly visible to the unaided eye. Where does it come from; is this the green light of murderous ambition and a decades old lust for power, or is there a physical explanation?

Like uranium, or the light that spills off of the Emerald City, suffusing the denizens of Oz with its viridescent glow.

Perhaps we should ask the monkeys. Or would that be the FBI?

Your Pal,