Showing posts with label Gavin Ashenden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gavin Ashenden. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2018

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Awesome Sermon

PB Michael Curry got up and preached at the Royal Wedding, even though the Episcopal Church is banned from representing Anglicanism at important events. Still, the remarkable Curry wowed audiences with his down-home southern revival, big tent delivery.

Dancing Fool

How affirming and diverse. I mean to say, we don't just employ these people to mow lawns at the country club, we make them bishops! How very Sewanee seersucker civil rights.

Don't Say Fraud

As you reflect upon Curry's remarkable accent along with his Yale and Princeton education, read this, by Gavin Ashenden.

Don't say What. A. Fraud.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

RIP Billy Graham

I know I'm a day late and a dollar short on this, but rest in peace, Billy Graham. Check out Gavin Ashenden on the late evangelist:

The constant dismissal of him as a fundamentalist sets up a hierarchy of assessment based on an admiration of intelligence and sophistication. Those who guarded the study and practice of academic theology in his and our day were aghast and even disgusted by his spiritual and theological values and practice.
They had created a value system which was based on a rationalistic study of theology set in a humanist intellectual and cultural context which looked down on Graham’s evangelism with intense disrespect. The fact that their kind of intellectual snobbery produced adverse results for what became in their hands a dying faith, while his touched increasing numbers in real existential need, was wholly lost on them; obscured by the fog of pride and the heat of hubris.

The fog of pride and the heat of hubris. Well said, you can read the whole thing here.

God bless,