Showing posts with label reverse side of the medal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reverse side of the medal. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2022

Brothers Morale High

What's this weird rumor, that US PMC people are subcontracting to Wagner? Wild West or 18th C and then some.

Your Old Pal,



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Longboat Runes 'n Such


What's with this latest Hiemat/blood/soil Wewelsburg Nordic rune thing? You know, like SS Wiking 2.0 becomes the armed branch of the German Green Party and the Western rainbow lib kleptocracy. Like what? Seriously, what? But it's there for all to see.

Even Rueters didn't bother to hide the swastika tatt on the arm of one of its protected species and you know that's deliberate. They just don't make that kind of mistake, they're professional, ahem, journalists. Cough, spit.

So what does it mean? Surely not the collapse of  Yoko Ono greenery into outright corporate fueled tranny Fascism.  That's unthinkable. Except that it isn't, see the wretched Ukraine. But with such grisly thoughts in mind, recall there's a reverse side to the medal. It's not joking either.

Terrifying, eh? You know the saying, "No one gets out of here alive." That in mind, look up 1945 SS combat reports, I dare you, and consider the result. Edge of the Abyss: 

Your Old Pal,


PS. This shallow mindblog is entirely against the NSDAP and its runic death  metal followers.