Showing posts with label godless heathen western elites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label godless heathen western elites. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A Fourth There Shall Never Be


Moscow, the Third Rome, a fourth there shall never be. Now look, I get the Cold War animosity, I even remember it, and I get geopolitical rivalry, but surely Christians should band together against the heathen? Then, it was the godless Soviets. Today it's the demonic transnational elite against everyone, not least you.

They hate you, they doubtless hate themselves, and they hate Christ. Russia turned its back on this Bolshevik evil, we, on the other hand, have embraced it with usury. Here's a video by way of antidote:

With a tip of the biretta to Seamus. Are these people not our brothers? Shouldn't we be aligned with them towards the creation of a Christian commonwealth, in which everyone flourishes, freed from the banksters' greed? Call it Pax Americana or something like that, but no, we're at war. 

We must thank God, literally, that the war is proxy, unless you're a conscript in the actual fight.

Your Pal,