Showing posts with label bs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bs. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022



Looks like the peasants are revolting, in Canada, where a massive convoy of truckers is driving to Ottawa to protest Justine Trudeau's perpetual lockdown stasi and, in particular, vax mandates for the trucking industry.

They're against Canada's draconian vax mandates and look to meet with over a million people when they roll into Ottawa. Enough is enough, they say, and who can blame them. Lockdowns, masks, and now mandatory vax or you can't live in Canada. Tyranny in the name of safety.

And what a lie that is. To make you safe from a a disease with a common cold fatality rate we're going to shut you down unless you take our experimental gene therapy, enrich pharma vax. Knuckle under, serfs.

No, they say, and power to 'em. Drive into Ottawa and shut this utter, lying, despotic BS down.Who knows, maybe Justine will wake up and see she's not so popular anymore. The convoy(s) is now 70 km long and gaining. 

Drive On,