Showing posts with label blockchain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blockchain. Show all posts

Monday, November 8, 2021

Taking Care Of Business


It was one of those days when you drive around the country taking care of business. First stop, the good old Pick 'n Steal, aka "Shamrock Filling Station," via the Meth Shack. The shack's getting fixed up, kind of, by some entrepeneurial Mexicans. Good luck, boys.

Then the Itasca grain co-op, I like that place, followed by post offices, banks, a realtor and all of that. Productive unlike, say, our incredibly popular president's economic policy. Which is... what?

Moar tax, moar debt, but less energy independence because higher gas prices make us all richer, except that they don't. And while we're at it, let's offshore yet moar manufacturing as we open our borders to millions of unskilled migrants. At least that last part drives down wages. Good work, Millionaire Socialists.

If you're thinking this train's coming off the tracks, you might have a point and perhaps that's why people are piling into crypto. Get your cash out of the clutches of the Scylla and Charybdis of central banks and their partners in crime, our governments.

That in mind, Bitcoin's at an all time high, the Peoples' Currency, DOGE$, is testing 0.30 (c'mon pup, run!) and LRC (Loopring) is exploding on rumors of a GME (Gamestop) partnership. No kidding, that token's up >1000% ytd and doubled in value in the last day. I tell you, it's the wild west out there and fortunes are being made and lost as we speak. 

Here at the Compound we're pleased with everyone's fave and original Shiba and jaw-dropped at LRC's surge, wish Blue had hit the buy button with his paw when it was .40. But still, can't complain, the annoyingly tech protocol, making for fast, cheap, secure DEX (decentralized exchange) transactions on ethereum is riding high at over 2 bucks a coin. Way to go.

Don't invest more than you can  afford to lose, kids. Biden Admin, take note.

Your Pal,


Friday, May 7, 2021

Dinosaurs And Breakfast


The day dawned bright and clear, such is country life in the pastoral idyll that is North Central Texas. Hey, I'm not complaining, and after the morning ritual of Morning Prayer, walking the dog to the Pick 'n Steal, checking the news and all of that, it seemed right to go for a Mexican breakfast. Why?

Because I like it and always get Huevos Rancheros; it's a tradition and a good one. So off I walked down the streets of this erstwhile cotton town to Montes and adventure, and there it was, a dinosaur! Two, in fact.

Impressed and startled, I took a few photos, imagining the time these ferocious beasts roamed the land, tearing their prey apart limb from limb until they miraculously turned into attractive birds. A parable, perhaps, for the diner itself.

Some say dinosaurs still exist, such as the Loch Ness Monster, Pterosaurs and other throwbacks to an earlier age, and perhaps they do. You'll remember the long extinct Coelacanth that was discovered alive and well in the waters of the modern world.

Regardless, I fell upon the delicious breakfast like a raptor before heading back to the safety of the Compound, mission accomplished. And now? Time to fry up some Striper and watch the People's Currency test all time highs. We hope.

Your Pal,