Showing posts with label utter brinksmanship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label utter brinksmanship. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2025



Yes, on the United States, an economic war of tariffs. For every 20% tariff the US applies to Canadian imports the beloved rainbow rulers of Canada will slap on an extra 5% to US imports. Take that, Trump. So, we bill them at 20%, 10% for oil, and they kick us in the shin with 25%. Look out, Nazi America.

Oof, or is it? 77% of Canada's exports go to America, about a third of that being crude oil, and maybe now they'll lose that income stream as we drill, baby, drill. Apart from oil, Americans can expect massive price increases in revolting Tim Hortons coffee, nasty "TimBits" donuts, and hangover in a glass whiskey. Oh dear, I guess we'll have to produce these things ourselves, which is what it's all about.

Gary Indiana, a typical US city

Speaking of which, the traitors who off-shored our industry to China, leaving asset-stripped hellhole, dystopian nightmare in the place of once prosperous towns and cities need to be brought to account. What an epic crime against our nation and its people. Will they be? Good question, hope so.

Gotta tan, LSP?

In the meanwhile, perhaps Trumpian tariffs will reverse this sickening trend and bring back industry, jobs and prosperity to the US. Who knows; and while we're at it, abolish income tax and the privately owned, usurious Fed's armed collector, the IRS. Just a thought. In the meanwhile, Justine's going to war. We quake in our loafers.
