Showing posts with label trans episcopal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trans episcopal. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

Big Trans Says No Texas Bathroom Bill or Has Satan Driven Them Insane?

There's a law, the Bathroom Bill, which may or may not get through a special session of Texas' state legislature. What is this so-called "Bathroom Bill"? It's a draconian ordinance, forcing people to use the bathrooms of their biological gender. 

So, if you're a man and you identify as a woman you're straight out of luck. Bathroom Bill says you have to use the man's bathroom. Harsh, eh? As in, say goodbye to freedom, Texas. But don't worry; this fascistic law, which threatens to trample our most basic civil liberties underfoot, doesn't seem likely to pass.


That's because Big Business has gone Big Trans, with some 51 Fortune 500 companies, such as Halliburton, opposing the freedom-crushing legislation. All told, over 720 businesses oppose the bill, claiming that it would harm Texas' business friendly reputation and make it hard to attract and retain skilled workers.


Yes. Think of the hundreds of thousands of highly skilled transsexuals who will flee the state if Bathroom Bill gets its way. Imagine the labor shortage, picture the hollowed out shells of once prosperous Mega Corporations lining the gender dysphoric highways of Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. 

Dallas After Bathroom Bill

Then, as this apocalyptic vision of the future unfolds, see, with your mind's eye, the downtrodden masses trudging wearily to yet another day of scarcity, oppression and biologically assigned "restrooms." But there is no rest for them, Bathroom Bill killed that.

Blue Chip Satan

Horrific, isn't it. Fortunately, the nation's Blue Chips and their lesser allies should stop this odious law, allowing Texans everywhere to celebrate their gender fluidity in the toilet of their choice. And we have to ask.

Some Bloke That Thinks He's a Girl

Has Satan driven these clowns insane? As you ask yourself that, don't forget that Baphomet's trans.



Saturday, April 25, 2015

Breaking -- Jenner Withdraws From Race

Belinda, formerly Bruce, Jenner has announced her/his intention to withdraw from the race to become Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Jenner looked set to become the world's first ever openly trans bishop, but after disclosing that she/he was a Christian and a Republician, the famous athlete took its name out of the running for the tiny denomination's top job.

"Belinda was a famous athlete, who is now trans, and we welcome that," stated one cathedral canon, "But being a Christian Republican obviously disqualifies her from the position."

So who will be the next PB?

In the meanwhile, the Episcopal Church is as trans as planet Nibiru's orbit is long.

God bless,