Showing posts with label scorn the wef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scorn the wef. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Did you enjoy the Updike? No matter, time for a reset. No, not WEF style, instead team LSP went on an exeat to Paris, Paris TX. By way of background: a few years ago, several people pounded the mahogany in the Compound's dining room over dinner. Fun, and here's the thing, they wanted to start a farm, a Battle Farm, which they did.

Some six years or so later, lo and behold, 80 acres outside of Paris, complete with a chicken operation, a good size tank with Bass and all of that. Sure, it's a work in progress, but hey, they actually went ahead and did it. Well done, kids.

CW caught a Bass, which is a fine thing to do

You'll be interested to know the prime movers behind this rural adventure are vets, they're also converts from Anglicanism to Orthodoxy. I wish them well, what a lot of fun to escape for a few days and not look at a computer.
