Showing posts with label sacrifice of the Mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sacrifice of the Mass. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The After Mass


One of the things that happens here is that we meet at 5.30 pm on Thursdays to worship God in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and no, this doesn't mean we blasphemously attempt to repeat the one all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ but rather, by grace, unite ourselves to it. 

Magnum mysterium, to put it mildly, sacramental unity with our Lord's paschal offering of himself for our atonement on Calvary. And right there in supernatural power  in Bosque County, Texas, there on the Altar was Christ's Body and Blood given and shed for us for the forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation of Man to God.

Heaven, for a moment, breaks through to us and we to heaven, "peace be to this house." Then we're dismissed with a benediction and vale, "May almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, this night and forevermore. The Mass has ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord."

Reflect on this. If Christ is truly present in the Mass, if we meet him and enter into communion with him in the Eucharist, for the forgiveness of of our sins, if all this is true how could any faithful person not want, fervently, to meet our Lord at the Last Supper which is Holy Communion? Yes, judgement for sure, but also mercy and infinite compassion.

That in mind, I was heartened by the congregation this evening, our worship is growing, and waved goodbye to the guys, "See you Saturday (men's group), I'm going fishing." And there it was, Soldiers Bluff, resting under a hot Texan sun, just a minute or two away from the church.

It was beautiful to be out by the water as the sun began to set and fun to catch a scad of little perch who went back in to fight again another day.

God bless you all,


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Some Good News


Good news? That's preposterous, so-called LSP, if that's your real name, which we doubt. But not so fast, punters, there is good news and here it is. The sun shines, the sky is blue, devoid of chemtrails, and the sacrifice of the Mass was offered this morning, not once but twice.

And there were the faithful, and they are, coming together to worship God, hear his Word and receive the Sacrament of the Altar, his Body and Blood, in which we find union with Our Lord's paschal sacrifice on Calvary and with it the forgiveness of sin and a share, even now, in the glorious risen life of the empty tomb.

Therein lies sanctification, freedom, hope and glory, right here in North Central Texas and I say that unreservedly. On topic, if you'd said in the '90s that I'd be  Priest in Charge of two small rural missions in Texas I'd have laughed. Hardly grand enough, where's that stone Altar and polychrome reredos. 

But the joke would've been on me. I'll leave you to do the spiritual math. In the meanwhile, have a beautiful Sunday and as always, God bless you all.

Shoot straight,