Showing posts with label pole flip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pole flip. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Deluge

It started off like one of Michael Avenatti's clients, misty rain, but this is Texas not the Cotswolds, so fine April spray soon turned to fierce downpour followed by wind-whipped, cataclysmic deluge. No kidding, the elemental weather spirits were clearly displeased with preparations for Holy Week.

Or perhaps the explanation's natural. As the earth's magnetic field weakens prior to pole flip, so too does our old enemy, the Weather, strengthen. Regardless, the roads into town were on their way to being flooded and having a rig came in handy.

Safely back at the Compound, we stand resolute while lightning cracks overhead and rain crashes down, watching the flotsam and jetsam of a once prosperous farming community sweep by in the rising waters. Discarded weaves, dead blunt packets, broken toys, malt liquor bottles, carrion and other trash, all the usual offscouring of rural life. 

Is this the Eschaton? The dogs certainly think so, howling above the thunder and the sirens which fill the air. But no, surely this is just a harbinger of things to come. 

Speaking of which, top level bi-coastal elite Democrats don't seem too pleased with the President's plan to ship illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like San Francisco. It's like MAGA's somehow, haha, rained on their MillSoc parade.

Didn't you get the memo, commies? Open borders begin at home.

Shelter from the storm,