Showing posts with label Hillary net worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary net worth. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Corrupt As Hell And Maybe More So


Yes, beloved rulers, we're looking at you. Net worth Nancy Pelosi, at least 25 MN$, Dick Cheney, that lovable old grandpa, 150 MN$,  John Brennan, our good old friend of democracy in the CIA, just a pathetic 3 MN$ So much for small fry, what's Hillary worth? A mere 120 MN$ Now we're talkin'! And El Senor 45-47? 

Wow, a catastrophic 7.5 BN$. Yep, you read that right, billion. Dam, and he isn't even a politician, he's just incredibly rich and loves America. The others, Pelosi, Cheney, Clinton, Kamala, Biden et al have lots of money too, though not at the same stratospheric level as El Senor, Musk, Bezos, Gates or Soros. But here's the thing, and I mean this.

El Senor, for all his Pompey Redivivus, loves America, and this is fitting for a President. The others? Not so much if at all, bought off for mere millions. You will note, dear readers, that Trump is not a politician. You will also note that back in the day, MPs weren't paid, and if you didn't own property you couldn't vote.

They weren't complete idiots, back in the day.
