Showing posts with label Chicago politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Putting The Hurt On, Sorry, Petraeus

No one's talking much about a Benghazi cover-up anymore, they're too busy thinking about the Petraeus sex scandal, or "Cloak and Shagger" as the New York Post trenchantly announced to the world. For what it's worth, I think it's a tragedy for the former head of the CIA, his family and doubtless for Broadwell too. I wish, for their sakes, that it hadn't happened, but it did and notice the timing.

It's odd, isn't it, that Petraeus announced his resignation the same day Fox News reported that the Foreign Affairs Committee was going to call him to testify. 

Testify about what? About the Administration's actions, or lack of them, concerning its CIA annex and Mission in Libya. We were told repeatedly that it was "the film's fault." Not dissimilar, when you come to think about it, to a child confronted with a crime claiming that "a ghost did it."

In this case, the "ghost" was Mark Bassely and "white witch" Hilary Clinton was more than willing to use him as a scapegoat. “We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted,” she told Charles Woods, father of killed SEAL Tyrone Woods.

Lo and behold, Mark Bassely was duly rounded up and found to be in violation of a parole order forbidding him to use the internet. He's in jail for a year, unlike all those other people with minor parole infringements who aren't.

Or the government, who are notoriously free at large.

As the King James Version puts it, the whole affair stinketh.