Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Sheer Awesomness Of Women Priests

Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful. Ordinatio Sacerdotalis

Are women priests awesome? That's what we've been lead to believe, anything else is simply discriminatory and "weird." Here's Rosie Harper, a UK priestess, arguing in favor of women bishops.

“I would like to take a moment to look at this from the outside in.
“I would like to name the sheer weirdness of a community arguing about discrimination in the 21st century – people out there don’t care enough to be angry but they do dismiss us as weird.
“If we are serious about our mission, and I know this is a very basic point, we really do have to stop being weird.”

Right on, Rosie. If the church is going to get down with mission and fill those achingly empty pews, it'd better get serious about not being weird and consecrate some women. Anything less is an obvious, discriminatory injustice, so much so that society won't take the church seriously.

Leaving aside the knotty issue of the church's interaction with secularist culture, let's focus on discrimination, which is at the heart of the argument. It runs like this: Discrimination is clearly wrong, and not ordaining women as priests and bishops is discrimination, so not ordaining women is wrong. 

And wrong in a big way because, now that we've reached the 21st century, we're really clear about, you know, injustice. So stop being a weird bastion of intolerant discrimination, church, and maybe you'll get some converts. 

Sounds good, right? Stop being an evil discriminator, weirdo. But not so fast, Rosie & Co.

The first bishops and priests were all men, women weren't allowed to fulfill that office, which makes the apostolic setup wrong. In fact it makes it sinful according to Rosie's logic, because it excludes women, which is an obvious evil. And what weirdo put such a  clearly oppressive, wicked, intolerant and unjust system in place? 

That would be Jesus. And if Christ was so blind to such a clear-cut evil, what does that make him? Hardly God. After all, God doesn't sin, but that's exactly what Rosie et al. implicitly accuse Jesus of doing, of setting up a system of ministry that was heinously wrong.  

"If you love me you will keep my commandments," says Jesus. We have to wonder at the quality of the first in the hearts of people who play so fast and loose with the second.

Regardless, ordaining women will apparently make the church less weird and get it on mission. Perhaps that's why the Episcopal Church, and the Church of England have been losing members ever since they tried the experiment.

Or to put it another way, why should disbelievers go to church to have their lack of faith reflected back to them?

Make of this what you will,


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let's Wreck The After-Party

Sorry to ruin your after dinner brandies but top Democrat, Senator Al Franken, has been accused of inappropriate behaviour, preying like an oversexed beast on any unfortunate women that came within groping distance of the lecherous liberal.


“My immediate reaction was disgust,” said one woman after being manhandled by Franken. “But my secondary reaction was disappointment. I was excited to be there and to meet him. And so to have that happen really deflated me. It felt like: ‘Is this really the person who is going to be in a position of power to represent our community?’”

Apparently in Minnesota it is.


Good luck with that, Gopher State. Please someone, anyone, remove the weirdly creepy Senator Franken from his position of power.


Franken, who used to be a comedian for SNL, is a socialist millionaire. His net worth is an estimated $9 million. Good money if you can make it, comrade. 

The Most Hilarious Comedian Ever, David "So Funny It Hurts" Letterman

Then there's the most hilarious, brilliant, not overpaid for a second comedian, David "Split Your Sides Laughing" Letterman. That comedic contemptible shill MillSoc genius has a net worth of $400 million, look it up. At least it's not a Senator.

Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Power to the the People,