Tuesday, February 11, 2025

You Evil Demon


There's serious evil abroad in the world, and America's once highest paid civil servant, Anthony Fauci, was right in the midst of one aspect of it, demon-level experiments in the name of science. Or would that be satanism.

Implanting aborted fetal tissue/organs into animals. Pause for a moment and reflect, what level of utter wickedness is this? And where did this latter day Mengele's cohort get the requisite body parts? From our universities, evidently, which were totally not funded by USAID. You may recall, dear readers, that Harvard is Satan's Vatican. From the Churches? Crickets.

That in mind, out demons out,



Beans said...

Evil Dr. Mengele only wishes he could have been as evil as Fauci.

Considering how badly Fauci bungled (probably on purpose) the early AIDS aniviral drugs, which, if you remember, were more dangerous to the users than the actual AIDS. Hmm... something about that seems similar to the COVID treatments, doesn't it? Hmmm....

Florida Governor DeSantis has not ruled out charging that nasty piece of demon-taint in Florida's judicial system. Fauci's pardon doesn't mean diddly in local courts.

Wild, wild west said...

Pure evil, extra strength and undiluted. One idly wonders if his mother knew/knows what he does/did for a living.

Paul M said...

X2…Fauci did his nefarious deeds out in the open but with a lying push narrative that this was following the science and good for everyone’s health and safety…like building codes managed by government but paid for by We The People…like most needed their oversight. BTW, I always thought this guy created HIV. Thankfully I am married to a DVM who knows what’s real and what’s BS or hype.

LSP said...

Such grifting wickedness, Beans.

LSP said...

Paul, do you remember the VENERATION of this Elf Demon? It was weird, psychotic even, people went out and bought votive candles to him. What can we say?

As always, driven insane by Satan.

LSP said...

Wild! That's a painful thought, it really is. A mother's love v. a demon's evil. Hideous, I won't go on.