Monday, February 10, 2025

This And That


A gang of young priests came to visit today and we went out for lunch at El Taco Jalisco. I tell you, their food's pretty damned good, I enjoyed cheese enchiladas, unadventurously. Tasty as you like. Talisco over, we fell back to the safety of the Compound for beer and cigars. Well, the kids enjoyed cigars, I held back in favor of Marlboro Light shorts.

So that was big fun. In other news, a friend called in from Alberta, a once prosperous Canadian province which used to be part of the British Empire and's now something far less important. She was upset because her boss is a literal witch who's casting spells against her, because she's a Catholic.

"Darling, your boss is a literal witch?"

"Yes. She has a store, selling witch stuff."

"So she's hexing you, right?"

"Yes, she is, casting spells every morning and putting demon salt around my desk."

"Sonofabitch. You've heard the phrase, 'karmic lashback'? This magic's like a boomerang, Satan discards its toys. Hang in there, protected by the powerful intercession of the Virgin, St. Benedict and all the saints."

In related news, 47 continues to take a buzz saw to the Deep State and all the usual suspects are howling.

Your Pal,



Wild, wild west said...

And do read the back of the book, Sweetie. Their side loses in the end.

Hmmm. I suppose it wouldn't be kosher if your buddy sucked up all that salt with a hand-held vacuum cleaner and redeposited it around her little boss's desk? Recycling, so to speak? Yeah, probably not good. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Wait 'til she goes back into her office then put the collected salt across the door threshold, that's lock her in the room.

PDJT's Operational Axiom: "Don't get mad, get decidedly even...use the nefarious juju against those plotting evil."

Anonymous said...

Clarke here. Boomerang action not needed. Rededicate yourself to the Lord and wait on His will. In the meantime evil spellcasters get their own nastiness smeared all over themselves. Praying FOR them heaps coals on their heads, the Good Book says.

Ed Bonderenka said...

So her boss is an Episcopalian bishop?

LSP said...

Reverend Wild, I'll put that to her. Heh. Kyrie, she'll probably do it. But ffs, witches, I say again, WITCHES roaming full tilt in the Albertan workforce.

As the saying goes, "It's all a larf 'til you wake up and..."

LSP said...

Anon, what excellent counsel. I'll pass it on.

LSP said...

Great advice, Clarke, and true. Do say a prayer, seriously.

LSP said...

Good call, Ed, but no, just some two-bit witch who's running a sideline business in Magicke, and hates Christ.

Oh, so yes, maybe an Episcopalien.

Beans said...

When some witches cast spells against me, I let the particular one leading that cabal of very ugly, fugly even, witches know that my Roman Catholicism only allows one way to break an evil spell and it is centered around cruel and unusual and very painful ways of killing said casters.

And, seriously, why are all sky-clad wicca fugly as modern Madonna? Not that I'd want to get near actual good-looking wiccans, but, for the sake of my eyes, ladies and whatevers, put some clothes on!

LSP said...

Beans, I've met some attractive witches, I really have, then watched in wonder as Satan discarded its toy. Like no kidding.