Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Low level Dem operative Tania Fernandes Anderson's been busted by, of all people, the FBI for handing bags of cash to family members in a toilet, or something like that.


Democrats, you'll note, are enraged by the current attempt to do so. You'll also note Republicans are almost totally silent. Surely the Uniparty's a figment of deluded minds.

Space is Deep,



Beans said...

The first of hopefully many.

But she's got the master race and master IQ (dumber than wormy dog squeeze) so unless the courts have changed much, she'll skate.

Ritchie said...

Forget it Jake, it's Boston. But that FBI chick on the left is kind of hot. Maybe I should get out more.

Dad of Six said...

Hadn't heard about this, but that's why I visit this taco stand along the information superhighway. Thumbs up to Beans and Ritchie.

LSP said...

Beans, small victories multiplied add up to a large victory. There is that.

LSP said...

Ritchie, that's an excellent point! BUt bloody hell, what a two-bit grifter.

LSP said...

It's a small shop, DOS, but hopefully value for money.