Monday, February 24, 2025

Clean Up The Compound


Now look here, so-called 'LSP,' all that silver and crystal ain't gonna clean itself. To say nothing of guns, if you still shoot, which we doubt. Admonition in mind, I set about cleaning the Compound today, polishing the sterling, shining the floorboards, and glinting up the glassware.

Must get more and better servants, I uttered grimly, all the while polishing mahogany, cleaning up Steuben, it glitters, and making silver shine. And don't forget guns; clean those dirty beasts to inspection level. Good work, Commandant. Next step? Vacuum all those Moslem rugs and take the cleanliness evolution upstairs, to the rooms of the Mess.

Well, whoever said life'd be easy, eh? So we clean our houses in the same kind of way that that the house of government should've been clean but most clearly wasn't, up until now, we hope. Speaking of which, what's you're take on Bongino?




LL said...

I hate to be maudlin, but it's not the same without Blue Avenger.

LSP said...

Dammit, LL, I know. He was a good pup. Fierce little beast.