Monday, February 17, 2025

God Save The Tzar


Maybe you scorn antichrist. That in mind, God save the Tzar and the holy martyrs of the Russian Royal Family who fell to demonic red rage.

Pay attention and salute:  

Woe to you, Red Devils, the Romanovs will follow you like Furies. Your witchcraft will fall in on itself.

Боже, Царя храни!



LSP said...


Beans said...

Very much martyrs. Though rather insulated from the sufferings of the people.

But it's Russia. The elite, no matter who they are, tsarists or bolsheviks or leninists or stalinists or putinists, live waaaaay waaaaay above even whatever you would call the middle-class.

My dad got to meet some White Russians when he was in Korea after the war. Even then, the beauty of the upper-crust Russian was, according to dad, was way above par.

Mike_C said...

My mother’s branch of her clan was based in Harbin way up north in Heilongjiang province (literally “black dragon river” province). Harbin was full of White Russians after the revolution. Lots of beautiful, elegant women. And excellent French bakeries. Apparently a number of now-destitute “enemies of the People” had genuine cooking and baking skills and turned to that to make a living in exile. My mother had a hard time adapting to Wonder Bread in the US after growing up with proper baguettes and croissants and so forth. “What do you miss about home? Do you miss Chinese food?” No, I miss the French pastries.

That branch of the family routinely went to Russia for university back in the day. Mother remembers exiled White Russians going in and out of their house at all hours in Harbin. Her uncles saw the effects of the Russian revolution first hand and thereby became virulently anti-Communist. Which led to the eventual breaking of the family’s financial and political power over the 1930’s and 40’s.

The leading Bolsheviks, as Uncle Alexander points out, “were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. […] It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.“ Yet somehow they are the Real Victims.

LSP said...

Beans, I'm no expert, but feel the Tzar was a fool (?). That doesn't excuse the Bolshevik demons, at all. What murderous antichrists. Strange, don't you think, that the Red Apostates should have chosen Russia, of all places, as their target. Perhaps it was the easiest target.

And yes, they were civilized to an extent that'd leave us shamefaced. My call? WWI ended that and we're not out of the devolutionary skid.

LSP said...

Mike, that's fascinating as well as heartrending. Some of them, White Russians, ended up in Oxford and I remember hearing stories about them as a child. Some donated, fairly lavishly (?), to Anglo-Catholic churches in the city.

The leading Bolsheviks were apostate, let the reader understand, Satans. Such. Utter. Evil.

Then there's Wonderbread.

Anonymous said...

The procession image is at the site of the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg (Храм на Крови (Екатеринбург)). This Orthodox church stands at the location of the House of Special Purpose (Ipatiev House) where the Imperial family was held in captivity by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks murdered the family along with their loyal servants on night of 16-17 July 1918, in the basement. The Bolsheviks preserved the House of Special Purpose for many decades, until the Soviets destroyed it in 1977. KGB Chief Andropov feared that the house was becoming or would become a point of interest for Westerners and Christians. I believe Yeltsin was the party official in Yekaterinberg at the time of the demolition. A memorable phrase in a retrospecitve article about the murder of the Imperial familiy and the demolition of the Ipatiev house concluded with something close to "the Bolsheviks destroyed one of the last witnesses to one of their first crimes."