Saturday, January 25, 2025

Get Rid Of Turtle


Kentucky, why do you allow a corrupt turtle to rule over you?

Yes, the very same turtle who voted against this:

And lost. Term limits, anyone? Or maybe Kentucky will rise up and eject the turtle from its traitorous, self-serving, establishment elite, anti-American, uniparty throne.




Ed Bonderenka said...

There was a primary attempt a few years ago.
It obviously failed.

LSP said...

Utterly, Ed.

Beans said...

The sure power of 'name recognition' and the entrenched position was the subject of a movie by Eddie Murphy called "The Distinguished Gentleman," wherein the main character has the same name of a now deceased congresscritter and basically steps into his shoes.

That's what Mitch has going for him. All the power that he wields, all the connections and payoffs and backroom deals.

Democrat except by name, a true RINO. He needs to go away. Far away. Like to Joliette. I'm sure a decent forensic look into his career can find enough poop to toss him into fed prison. There's been far too many times that feckless bag of wrinkled skin has tossed this nation under the donkey-bus.

Now let's get rid of those two hags in the Senate also. Seriously, Alaska, this is a sure sign that the side effects of medical marijuana are not good.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

This is obviously fake news. Everyone knows Mitch is a tortoise, not a turtle.

Paul M said...

This being Sunday I'll refrain from...being direct. Instead I only ask, "thought he was resigning after the Inauguration?" Surprised Biden didn't also include this fossil in his packet of preemptive pardons, you know, just in case Mitchy-Boy committed a crime somewhere along the way or in the future.

Anonymous said...

I live in Ky and dislike the man but the dem's won't waste a 'good' candidate against a sure thing as Mitch has a very large fan base. So whoever runs against him is a dem throwaway.