Yes he does, yet again. Not one day, not a single day after he was sworn in as President in the Rotunda of the US Imperial Capitol, 47 got down to business, unlike the previous mountebanks, and defeated Global Warming. You doubt me? Here's the evidence, from Texas. Have a look:
There it is, snow, no doubt about it. Good work, Mr. President, no one liked the Paris Climate Accords anyway, except corrupt grifters in the DS, but here at the Compound we're cheering on energy independence, drill baby drill, and an end to the NetZero scam. At what cost?
ICE. Yes, the weather has most certainly changed. Are we heading into a new Ice Age? Seems that way, looking at the evidence in NC rural Texas. Perhaps Ed. Milliband, real name, in the UK will take notice.
A buddy of mine at Lake Arthur, Loozy-anna (that's southwest part of the state, roughly Lake Charles) had 10" of snow at his house. He'd never seen that much snow anywhere at one time before. Meanwhile here in South Central Kansas, we haven't had that much total in the last two years.
WOW. A friend's sending me Narnia scenes from NOLA. Huh, good work, Mr. President.
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