Monday, January 20, 2025

And He's Back


Wow. 47 was in war mode this morning in the Rotunda, back, and back with a vengeance. Highlights for me? Joe Biden looking like an internally collapsed husk, Franklin Graham's benediction, and Trump's remarkable speech.

Going to Mars? Nice. Gulf of America? Yep. Secure border? About dam time. Two genders. Sensible. Reinstating soldiers fired for not taking the scamdemic vax, with back pay, bringing back manufacturing to the US, drill baby drill, and on. Just a heckuvva thing, and if 47 can do what he's promised I'll be one satisfied punter.

47's speaking right now at the Capitol One arena, slamming the green climate hoax, boosting tariffs, and about to sign some Executive Orders, including pardons for J6 political prisoners, "We're not gonna put with that crap anymore." Quite a thing. What a day.

Story developing,



Ed Bonderenka said...

Happy Inauguration Day!

drjim said...

I've been watching (on CNN, no less) it for a couple of hours now.

He's back, with a vengeance, and he's way past just being pi$$ed...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The usual Mainstream Maggots (h/t BZ) are losing their minds trying to point out anything negative with an entitlement fervor. Warms my cold heart, it does.

LSP said...

Ed, most definitely!

LSP said...

War mode, drjim.

LSP said...

Right with you, WSF. What. A. Day.

drjim said...

Yeah, I guess we've seen his War Face now....

LindaG said...

I thoroughly enjoyed Pastor Lorenzo Sewell's prayer, too! Quite reminiscent of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Beans said...

I recorded the whole process (and I chose poorly, PBS, should have known) and then checked to make sure he didn't get gacked before he was sworn in.

All of his part was great, but I love the huge "Copulate Thyself" to all the past presidents as he said he would totally destroy everything that they did.

Ah, it's good to have a functioning adult in the room again.

Back in the day, in an organization that I belonged to, a selected 'leader' was totally hosed by all the power elite in the organization. Behind his back. Lied to his face and laughed about it. And he didn't find out until after he stepped down and got away from their influence.

His second 'term' he was fully aware of the parasites around him and enjoyed doing what was right and making it so.

That's where we are. Too bad he won't have a third term.

LSP said...

I liked it too, Linda!

LSP said...

seems more serious this time around. let's see.

LSP said...

But my dear Beans, are you sure a third term ain't in it? Augustus style :) OK, he'll be too old, but I see JDV onna horizon.

Beans said...

Trum will, as he's done all his life, respect The Law. So only two terms for him.

As to JDV? Yeah. I need to see more of how he rolls, but so far his actions show him to be good.

Though there's America's Governor, that being DeSantis. Who would also be another great presidential candidate. Maybe he could put Sheriff Grady Judd up as head of the hopefully-soon-to-be-greatly-reduced FBI/Dept of Justice.

LSP said...

Beans, maybe a JDV, DeSantis '28 ticket?