Showing posts with label walker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walker. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Pray Hard Please


The text came in early this morning, "They think he's developed pneumonia. White blood cell counts are up and organs don't look good. We could lose him today." 

This was my friend and MC at one of the missions, a man I'd worshiped with at the Altar, Sunday by Sunday, for the past thirteen years. An outstanding athlete in his day, he's now on a ventilator. 

So I dropped everything and drove to an ICU in Waco to administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction, and offer the prayers of the Church. “Go forth, Christian soul..." and if it's God's will, return to health. I'll be honest, everyone's praying for a miracle and I''m asking you to do so too.

He was and is a good man. Nothing remotely fake about him, he called his shots as he saw them and if he didn't suffer fools gladly was always good to me, sometimes in a tough way.

For example, a few years back I was laid up in bed with a broken hip, thanks to a mad Arab, and I called my friend on Saturday morning, "Hey, have you got a priest to cover the Mass tomorrow?" A short pause, "No, I haven't." I thought for a moment, mind like a steel trap, "Why not?" A shorter pause, "Because you're doing it."

Not wanting to seem like a pathetic soy of a wimp I rolled up to the Altar the next day on a walker and said Mass, MC at my side. One his daughters took a photo and produced a meme, when an old cowboy bullies his priest into saying Mass with a broken leg. Ha. But hey, he was right, got me moving.

I say again, please pray for a miracle and in the absence of a sign, for the angels to escort this good soul to paradise.


Saturday, August 3, 2019

Cooking With LSP

Ah well, it's down to this, yet another implausible "cooking" episode with LSP. So what's the score, you gonna shoot the sauce with the Glock? 

Not so fast, epicures, the pistol's optional. You can make macaroni cheese with a CZ, a Sig, a mighty wheel gun or nothing at all. Go ahead, be defenseless in the face of the culinary threat, your call, there's no rule.

Now that we've cleared the #2A air let's get down to business. Melt 4 tbls of butter in some kind of pot, use Le Crueset if you want to ape the ways of our transnational, Illuminati elite overlords. Next up, whisk 4 tbls of flour into the melted butter. Easy as bleachbitting your hard drives with FBI help. Whisk it about on medium heat for a minute or two then add 3 cups of whole milk.

Use Shells

Stir it around for a while 'til it starts to thicken; don't worry, it will. Then grate a rectangle of cheese into the sauce and stir that, more milk if needed. Sauce in hand, add salt and pepper, some dry English mustard, Worcestershire sauce and Cayenne pepper. Who likes a bland dish, right?

In the meanwhile you've boiled up some water and pasta shells are merrily cooking away. By the way, use shells, readers,  they're better than the globalist, macaroni alternative. Add the happy natpop shells to the sauce, stir, grate some cheese, crack some pepper over the thing and...

A Typical Glass of Wine

Sling it all in the oven at 375/400 before kicking back for a glass or two of the right stuff. Hey, you've earned a break so take it. R&R over, pull the dish out of the oven and let it rest, it should be sizzling and golden brown to boot.

One I Took Earlier, Note Heavy Metal

And there it is, a delicious unity of cheese and pasta. Well done, mission accomplished. With that in mind, behold the dish and fall upon your scoff like...


A warrior. 



Sunday, July 21, 2019

Born To Ride

I ended up saying two Masses today from the, ahem, walker and liked it. A week ago that wouldn't have been possible and now it is. So there's hope for us all.

Speaking of hope, perhaps you've noticed that Pedo Epstein's been denied bail; he's languishing in solitary while the Squad's busy making the Democrats look good. D'ye think he'll be trying to cut some kind of deal, and will it involve the Clintons who notoriously enjoyed the hospitality of Orgy Island, to say nothing of hedge funds.

Well, we'll see. In the meanwhile, more children than ever before in history ever have miraculously decided they don't belong to their biological gender, so they're lining up to get sex changes. Leaving aside the parental role in this new wave castration, are we living in the Village of the Damned?

Perhaps we are, in a society driven insane by Satan and the infernal illogic of the Pit. By contrast, be stable and steadfast in the Faith, and be sure that the gates of Hell won't prevail. 

Your Friend,