Showing posts with label priestesses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label priestesses. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Liturgical Dance Is So Very Very Awesome

Liturgical dance is so very, very awesome.

Maybe that's why it's inspired so many thousands to go to church. Then again, maybe it's the beautiful altar frontals, nylon vestments and felt applique banners that did the trick. Here's a moving video:

Beautiful, isn't it. In related news, Baron Jacob Rothscild's dead. He once posed for the camera along with America's celebrity art witch, Marina Abramovic. The painting's entitled, Satan Summoning His Legions.

Appropriate, don't you think?

Out demons out,


Monday, August 23, 2021

Rocky Paths


Some of you enjoy idyllic trout streams and rivers full of salmon or walleye, others again spend their time sea fishing off the coasts of fabled islands. Me? It's mostly all about Lake Whitney and, to be fair, the mighty Brazos, which is where I went this morning in a desperate bid to escape the crazy.

"Maybe getting out in the clean air of Texas will do you good," I thought grimly to myself as I loaded a couple of rods into the bed of the rig, "As opposed to staring in slack-jawed Francoist consternation at the end of the world."

And yes, it was good to get to the lake and cast off into the depths, and there were plenty of fish, no doubt about it, I could see them gliding by the bank and jumping with fierce predatory aggression. But did I catch any?

No. I did not. It was like our wars, Enemy 1, Home Team 0, but what am I saying. Every moment spent under the free sky of Texas is a moment worth living, a victory in itself. Just you try it and see. 

Ye Olde LSP

In the meanwhile, the Specialist called in and's settling down well into his his new unit, 57th ESB (expeditionary tactical signals). He has, predictably, asked to be sent to Central Asia, but fortunately that's off bounds for now. Not a good deployment, eh?

That aside, there is an equestrian club at Ft. Hood which practices boot-to-boot cav charges, swords out, run! I told him, "Well you can ride, so join in. Just don't fall off and skewer yourself with your wretched sabre." Always paternal, you see.

Your Best Pal,


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Wymyn Priests Are So Very Awesome


One of the best things about wymyn priestesses is their total awesomeness.

They can be High Church.

They can be Low Church.

They can be something else again.

That's enough awesomeness for now. Here at the Compound we hope you've enjoyed this short photo essay on wymyn priests. They were going to bring vibrant growth and cultural acceptance to our Holy Mother, the Church. But they didn't. 

Perhaps people weren't fooled by people pretending to be something they didn't believe in anyway.

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, October 10, 2020


 ‘through vows and prayers alone we must seek security, whether those creatures are of heaven or uncanny birds of ill omen.’  Virgil.

Thanks to an influential art blogger everyone knows about Harpy Eagles. Harpy Eagles circle above places like Surbiton and swoop down on XR vegans, literally carrying them off to their eyries in Epping Forest.

Harpies watch, then they dive in for the kill, gripping their tofu-chewing prey with razor sharp talons and ferocious beaks.

Harpy Eagles scorn wymxn priestess figures too, and don't even bother to take them back to their forests for food. They just attack, savagely.

You're probably thinking of crossing a Harpy Eagle and arguing with it. Go right ahead and find out what happens. Good luck with that.

Speaking of which, Hillary Clinton and the Cabal have not been brought to justice, yet. Do you hear the sound of beating wings?



Friday, August 3, 2018

Anglo-Catholic As The Day Is Long

Keen-eyed readers of this popular mind blog might recall the oddity that is Anglo-Catholicism.

That's right, a movement that asserts catholicity for the Church of England and its various branches around the world. It started a while ago, with Pusey, Keble and Newman in Oxford, and spread.

Then in the '70s it went bust with the ordination of women. How could Anglicanism claim sacramental authenticity with the innovation? Not easy and its supporters didn't even try, it was all a matter of equal rights for a disenfranchised, oppressed "minority," women. 

Women are oppressed, runs the logic, because they can't have all the jobs men have. So hurry up, Nazis, and make them priests. The Anglican Church  in the West fell beneath the irresistible force of this powerful algorithm. And who can blame it. 

A creature of the state since Henry VIII, why should Anglicanism suddenly mutiny when its overlords start riding the rainbow?

For the most part it didn't, it embraced the rainbow, lovingly. But Anglo-Catholics held the line, protesting against all the odds that their denomination isn't a denomination at all but part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Christ to be the Ark of Salvation.

We're at it today and you have to ask, is it a wasted effort? No, it's not. It's one small strike, to be sure, in the fight against evil and that's never a waste. On the contrary, it's a Gospel imperative.

 So, give up or hold the line? Ask Charles Martel.



Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pope Francis Eyes Womyn

Pope Francis is putting a committee together to look into ordaining womyn clergy.

It's a bit like Moslem immigration, when you think about it. What could possibly go wrong?

Your Old Mate,


Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's Stepping Down

By now the whole world knows that Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, is stepping down. That's right, she's resigning after next year's General Convention.

Just Some Witch

Well that's great, isn't it. Or is it? As someone wrote, "She’s likely to be replaced by someone worse. You do realize that."

Typical Fighting Monkey

I'll wager my fighting monkey against any 3 of your priestesses that he's right.

Not that I'm a gambling man.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Archbishop of Canterbury Leaves Club For Siberian Sinkhole?

Speculation is building that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is using a mysterious sinkhole in Siberia as an underground HQ, after he announced plans to resign from the exclusive Traveller's Club in London.


For years, Welby, who is popularly known as "Dobby", used the Traveller's Club in London's swanky Pall Mall as a base. However, the prestigious club voted against allowing women to become members, which is at odds with the Archbishop's enthusiastic endorsement of women bishops. According to Lambeth Palace, "He can't remember the vote, which is usually done via correspondence, but would have voted for the inclusion of women."

Not Traveller's

As Welby signaled his intention to leave the smart London club, an anomalous 262' deep sinkhole appeared in Siberia, revealing a path to the earth's unexplored interior. A team of Russian scientists is investigating the bizarre hole and believe it may have been caused by an explosion of ice and methane, brought on by Global Warming. 

Dobby's Chinos

"Global warming may have caused an 'alarming' melt in the under-soil ice, released gas and causing an effect like the popping of a Champagne bottle cork, Ms Kurchatova suggests," stated one expert.


Champagne corks were popping as the CofE voted for women bishops, coinciding with the appearance of the sinkhole.


Unlike Welby's new underground Siberian base, the Traveller's Club remains opposed to women members. “Pretty, elegant and interesting women would have no interest in joining our club,” said one member.

I like the Traveller's.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lavinia Byrne, Devil's Disciple?

Devil's Disciple

Lavinia Byrne is a former nun who was kicked out of the religious life by the Vatican for obstinate, persistent heresy, notably advocating for priestesses. She used to be a panentheist, maybe she still is. 

Church Builder

Panentheism is a Hindu doctrine that says God evolves with the universe but is somehow beyond it. It was big in the '80s and '90s, making for good academic book fodder: Oh! you're a Professor who teaches philosophy of religion and you're a Christian, but you're also a Hindu! Whoa. Here, sign this publishing contract. 

Whatever, Lavinia was into it. I know, she told me.

She also argued, like they always do, that unless the church ordains women, it'll shrink and die, because no one will go to church. She champions the Anglican experiment. George Weigel has this to say, via Let Nothing You Dismay:

Hard experience should have taught us by now that there is an iron law built into the relationship between Christianity and modernity. Christian communities that know and defend their doctrinal and moral boundaries (while extending the compassion of Christ when we fail to live within those boundaries, as we all do) survive in modernity; some actually flourish and become robustly evangelical. Conversely, Christian communities whose doctrinal and moral boundaries are eroded by the new orthodoxy of political correctness, and become so porous that it becomes impossible to know if one is “in” or “out,” wither and die.

But Where Are The Women?

That is the sad state of Anglicanism in the North Atlantic world today: even splendid liturgical smells-and-bells can’t save an Anglicanism hollowed out by the shibboleths of secular modernity. Why British Catholics like Lavinia Byrne can’t see this is one of the mysteries of the 21st-century Church."

Mystery? I don't think so. They see what they're proposing perfectly well and it isn't the advance of Christianity, or anything like it. Empty pews are precisely part of the plan; they're after an entirely new religion and the destruction of the church. They've nearly got it too, with Anglicanism.

Just. Say. No.

So what does that make Lavinia Byrne? The Devil's Disciple.

Just in case you wondered what I really think,


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Consecrate! Consecrate!

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has suggested that consecrating women as bishops in the Church of England will "humanise" the priesthood, put a stop to "creeping bureaucratisation" and "box ticking." 

Williams, who is known for his trademark "full set" beard, also questioned whether an all male episcopate was able to read the the Bible properly. Is it "possible for bishops to read the bible adequately if they're an all male group" wondered the hirsute prelate at a private meeting.

Outspoken "wimmin priest" spokesperson, Hilary Cotton, went one step further than the bearded Anglican Supremo stating, "It will be a disaster for the credibility of the Church if this legislation (to consecrate women bishops) does not go through."

what a monkey - thanks Samizdat
Credibility? Women bishops are sure to solve that knotty little dilemma. But in the meanwhile, I'll wager my fighting monkey against any two of your priestesses that even more Anglicans will head to Rome.

The challenge is on.