Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dogs of War


The Swiss were famous for it, the Hessians gave it a college try, some even wonder if the US military haven't been in the game as the armed extension of the House of Saud. That's as maybe and it's all going on in the Ukraine today. LL makes the compelling point that if you want to fight in a "stand up war" join a PMC (Private Military Company), with a sponsor, and people who know what they're doing. 

That in mind, we remember the world's most famous mercenary in recent times, Mad Mike Hoare. Born in British India to Irish parents, Hoare fought in WWII and retired at the rank of Major to Durban, South Africa, where he worked at the insufferably dull job of accountancy until recruited by Moïse Tshombe to put down the communist Simba insurgency.

Mad Mike's final exploit was in the Seychelles, where his team were arrested at the airport. The BBC comments:

When officers found a dismantled AK-47, the man panicked and revealed that there were more weapons outside.

At this point the entire plan unravelled, and amid the ensuing conflict at the airport the mercenaries commandeered an Air India plane and flew it back to South Africa.

When they arrived the mercenaries were jailed for six days...



There is, when you think on it, something remarkable about Hoare and here at DLC (Dallas Light Cavalry) HQ he's required reading. He was, miraculously, 100 years old when he died in 2020.

Rest in Peace, Colonel,


Friday, April 29, 2022

Well Well What Have We Here?


A dead Dane and he died yesterday. WTAF, why was this Ragnorok larper in the line of fire? Because psychopaths in suits are running this deadly clownshow and don't care who they kill. Their Father was a murderer from the beginning. But seriously, living out a HEILUNG video to the point of death? Wow.

Here's another one, some Brit from Plymouth who surrendered when his team got wiped out. He wasn't even paid, apparently:

Wretched. And we have to ask, is the International Brigade more like an incompetent Dogs 'o War Condor Legion? Whatever, let's hope dude gets back home to be with his four kids and "partner." Not kidding, whoever you are, get home safe to your families.

Your Friend,


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Revenge At All Costs


Transnistria, Moldova, former SovBloc countries which emerge like lines in a spy novel, will they become part of a wider conflict? More to the point, will Poland. You can imagine the scenario, with Ukrainian forces increasingly cauldroned off in the East, Poland rolls across the border to "assist."

LL called it first and a month later it's apparently a thinkable plan. 

God help us all,


Ice Cream Van Reflection


An ice cream van, remember those? wends its way through the leafy streets of this bucolic Texan haven. It's a noisy thing and I happen to know it peddles rather more than refreshing ices, maybe the cops will shut it down, please.

Speaking of which, there was a bust outside the Pick 'n Steal (Shamrock filling station) this evening. A couple of Tahoes, lights strobing, a POC with his shorts hanging low cuffed on the back of a beat up Honda, and a "caucasian female" 'splainin' to the Blue. Uh huh. 

Right Sector, which the Left supports, curiously

I didn't stop because I had a Mass to catch but you can imagine the low-level failed heist scenario. Whatev, the PnS is always getting ripped off, maybe the Nepalese who own it need to hire private security. 

In related news, our Beloved Leader wants to send $33 BILLION to Ukraine. Leaving aside the knotty question "why do they need the money when they're so clearly, obviously and literally winning" we have to ask. Who benefits from this?

What level of satanic insanity is this?

Don't say DC consultancies, firms like Raytheon, corrupt politicians and the whole MIC. No, say freedom loving people everywhere. War, it's said, is a racket and that wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, if it didn't actually kill people. 

In the old days leftists were against war, do you remember that?

Your Old Pal,


Monday, April 25, 2022

Big Sky

Texas in the Spring is beautiful, big skies, wild flowers, green, life is rising up. How different to, say, a machine gun opening up on Azov Street, but there it is and you know the saying, "They build and we destroy." Thus spake the satanist Mannaseh in Williams' War in Heaven, and never a truer word.

That in mind, this property closes on Wednesday and I'll be honest, it's been a bit of a journey to get to this point. Intense, even, but not bad as it turns out, thank God. In related news, who's going to run for Prez 2024? An octogenarian Trump, a corpse animated by an Easter bunny or some other thing?

LL suggested, via secure sat phone that Vladimir Zelensky should run. He's young, trans, an actyr, loved as a god figure and has an enourmou$ debt which he has to somehow repay to the US. What better way to pay that back than by becoming our leading public servant?

Zelensky Hero of the Great Patriotic Rainbow War

If the heel fits. Welcome to the White House, Vladimir, net globohomo socialist worth $20 million++. The nation salutes.

Your Friend,


Friday, April 22, 2022

A Day of Rest


After the rigors of Holy Week it only seemed right to take a day of rest at family HQ in Dallas. Blue agreed and wasted no time falling to sleep on a Moslem rug, not that he's a Moslem, by the beard of the Prophet, but he does like their rugs.

As do I, but rugs aside you may have noticed something about the soldiers fighting in the Ukraine. There's all sorts, obviously, but some seem more equal than others, they're bigger and older, as if construction worker turned gunfighter. 

Shades, when you think on it, of the German veterans who went into the Ardennes, or something like that. Huh. Modern war as deconstruction site and soldiers as its lethal tradesmen and laborers? Respect to both, but still.

Speaking of the Ardennes, imagine you were wandering around inna woods of Ukraine with, say, an SS dagger, just coz, and you were captured by some Chechens. What would you say:

A. I just found it, honest!

B. I'm a battlefield archeologist, my good sir.

C. Give a crisp Seig Heil, sing a verse of Erika and wait to be recruited into the WAGNER PMC?


All options are risky and I'd have gone for unspoken option D. Lose that bad boy before you get captured. Some guy didn't the other day in Mariupol and looked more than a little sheepish. Maybe he's still alive, unlike this unfortunate.

Seriously, what's with all the NSDAP in Eastern Europe? Well, therein lies another tale.

Mind how you go,


Monday, April 18, 2022

The Fall of Mariupol, or Total War Cometh?


Here we are, on Easter Monday, and birds sing, the sky is mostly clear of chemtrails, and all's well except for the fact that the most ferocious war on European soil since the '40s is taking place before our eyes. No small thing, and some of you doubtless have friends engaged in the conflict. Get home safe, guys. But what's the story?

I don't pretend to know, though it's curious that Western State agitprop's been lockstep in defending cokehead, actor clown Zelensky. And we have to ask, how many of our overlord$ were making ma$$ive amounts of cash out of this unfortunate eastern European country?

It seems the Ukraine, like some kind of casino where the bank always wins and you are the bank, was jackbot all the way. Regardless. Mariupol's about to fall after an extreme fight, and what next? Phase two of this ill-begotten war. As in Russia goes hard. Let's see how that pans out.

In the meanwhile, Russians With Attitude offer analysis:

They (Ukrainians believe they are) fighting an apocalyptic battle against the forces of evil who are trying to eradicate all of humanity. This is what they sincerely believe, but they also sincerely believe the Russians are not somehow serious about war and will not not fight the war like a war. It's super weird.

Super weird? A bit like the western left ascendancy defending literal Odin Valhalla Nazis on the Donbass front. OK, equivalent to Wagner? Next step, acceleration. Please bring this hideousness to an end.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, April 12, 2022



It started off gently, with a soothing murmur of thunder and unassuming flashes of lightning. Yes, our Old Enemy the Weather was up to zhir old tricks again, pretending to be some kind of first year curate fresh out of Duke or some other lesser satan like Sewannee.

Then boom, the sky turned green, wind blasted out of the north driving sheets of rain before its onslaught as thunder crashed from heaven with all the elemental ferocity of MLRS on the Kharkov front. (What? Ed.)

In related news, 1000 marines wisely surrendered in a Ukrainian port, a French reporter claims the US is running the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, huh, and a church in Chicago is urging its congregation to "fast from whiteness" during Lent. What does that look like, Talcum X or Rachel Dolezal? Your call.

More seriously, please say a prayer for my rodeo friend who died on Saturday, he was a good man. His requiem's tomorrow, may he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Dies Irae,


Monday, April 11, 2022

A Bit Of This A Bit Of That

"So how's the Army treating you today, son?" I asked insouciantly, "It's been a good day dad, an easy day, except for the 5 mile run." I thought about that, "Whaddya mean, that's not too far." Ahem, let's see you do it, so-called LSP. Well, that was back in the day, so. "Right, not that far but half the platoon dropped out. I didn't."

I thought about it for an instant, "They're all getting back from leave, right?" and got a warning answer in the affirmative, "I know, we're Signals but still, if it ever gets real there'll be a great culling." A great culling. Let's pray that doesn't happen, and I mean it. Speaking of which, perhaps you remember our latest recruitment drive. Here's a snapshot:

In other news, our troops don't have to wear kabuki theater masks anymore and rejoice in their newfound freedom, or so I'm told. Perhaps war in Europe is focusing the minds of our rainbow elite General Staff.  

You can imagine. A Russian battle group, full of lessons from Ukraine, rolls over the rainbow border into Poland. Who will stop them? The Poles? Maybe, for a little while. The Germans? Hahahahahaha. The Dutch and the French? Snerk. No. What about England? Good call, but the Sceptered Isle doesn't even have an army, much less a navy. And on.

I say again, our elite rainbow oligarchy have been gambling on never, ever, having to fight a war again. Look how that's coming home to roost. Better cut your carbon footprint to net zero and open a trans bathroom. Pathetic.

Typical Chechens

Your Pal,


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Warning Graphic


Good question, RWA. In the meanwhile, this thing slugs itself out with ferocious intensity and Europe would like to fuel the fight in terms of arming the Ukraine. But here's the thing, Europe doesn't have any more guns to give. They have barely enough ammo to supply their own armies as it is, much less the degenerate Zelensky proxy.

So how will it all pan out? Who knows, but I'll go out on a limb and call maybe you shouldn't have gambled on never ever having to fight a war again. Yes, UK, I'm looking at you and while we're at it, maybe it's a good idea for an island to actually have a navy. Just a thought.



Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Just Scanning The Horizon


So here we are, on a cheery Tuesday evening in CONUS or more precisely, North Central Texas (NCT). And what's going on? Vultures were gathering on lamp posts this morning as I patrolled to the Pick 'n Steal. Ominous, apocalyptic perhaps.

Were they a presage of things to come, the death of the PetroDollar in the face of a gold backed Ruble/Yuan? Maybe and let's face it, how can a currency which is an IOU at interest to a privately owned bank, the Fed, be worth anything other than debt? And we all know the problem with that, at some point someone wants to be paid back.


In other news, the Ukraine action is clearly a genocide, yes, of late Soviet era tech, and true to form our media and ruling elite are more or less baying for World War III. We have to mobilize for Ukraine if we don't want our democratic freedom to be destroyed by Russia, which has a GDP rather less than California.

Such an existential threat or would that be PR firm agitprop reinforced by every mainstream media outlet in the Western world. Remember Trump? Of course you do, what a miserable, traitorous Russian spy. As you savor his despotic, orange, NYC perfidy ask which country allows Christian prayer in state run schools. Which country isn't able to define the difference between men and women? Hint, not Chechenya.

But enough of that, we'll see how it all plays out. In the meanwhile, curry's on the go, vegetarian because Lent, and mango chutney. Here's the thing. A curry without mango chutney is a poor beast, but who wants to drive all the way to Waco to get it? No one. Solution? Make it yourself.

Stay tuned for another episode of Cooking With LSP.

Your Buddy,


Saturday, April 2, 2022

How Very Gay


Via the Bee:


TALLAHASSEE, FL—Take that, DeSantis! In a powerful statement against the "Don't Say Gay" bill, The Episcopal Church in Florida has released a new version of their hymnal in which every song title and lyric is replaced by the word "gay." 

"We condemn DeSantis's bigoted attempt to prevent the sexual indoctrination of small children," said Episcopal Bishop Caiya Diddle. "That's why, starting today, all twelve Episcopals in Florida will sing the word 'gay' over and over and over again every Sunday until this bill is overturned." 

In addition to the song change, preachers will throw out their usual Sunday sermons and just say "gay" over and over again for 30 minutes. They will also replace traditional Sunday School with drag queen story hour so kids can get their fill of kinky classroom instruction they can no longer get in school.

"Here in the Episcopal Church, we loudly and proudly say 'gay,' just like Jesus did," said Diddle. "I look forward to singing my favorite song, "Gay," with my tiny congregation, followed by the old classic "Gay Gay in the Gay."

UPDATE: All members of the congregation have been arrested as part of a sex-trafficking sting.


Then there's Chechens,


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Tranny Turn 'Round


A Typical Tranny

The war in Ukraine has reached a new and vicious low. Men who self-identify as women, derisively called "trannies" by hate speech Nazis are being turned back at the Ukrainian border and told to fight. Yes, by Ukrainian border guards. ZeroHedge reports:

Two trans women interviewed by the Guardian shared similar stories about border guards telling them to turn back and join the fight.

"'Go to the war', they replied, adding that more than 3 million people had already fled the country and they weren't going to let me out."

Alice, 24, a trans woman from Brovary, a town near Kyiv, recounted a similar experience. She and her wife, Helen, a 21-year-old who identifies as non-binary, were stopped by border guards during an attempt to cross into Poland.

"They took us to a building near the border crossing,” recounts Alice. "There were three officers in the room. They told us to take off our jackets. They checked our hands, arms, checked my neck to see if I had an Adam’s apple. They touched my breasts. After examining us, border guards told us we were men. We tried to explain our situation but they didn’t care."

Interestingly, the American press didn't pick up the story. Could this be because it might undermine the bright shiny (definitely not nazi-ish) new heroic image of the Ukrainian government, which has been the subject of almost unanimously positive coverage in the American press?

Ketanji and some masked up old crook


Wow. In related news SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was unable or unwilling to define what a woman is under questioning from Senator Marsha Blackburn today. Define the word "woman," asked Marsha.

“I can’t,” Jackson responded.

“You can’t?” Blackburn asked. Blackburn seemed to have expected a response that was at least a bit more substantial than that.

“Not in this context. I’m not a biologist,” Jackson said.


Quite, but Ukrainian border guards apparently are. Bets on that Ketanji's all in for their cause. And we have to ask, will the Transsexual Shock Brigade (TSB) of the Ukrainian Army increase force lethality?

Over the Rainbow,


Sunday, March 20, 2022



Here we are, it's 2022 and we've got a new Leader, a defender, if you like, of the Fourth Rainbow Reich. That's right, Vlad Zelensky, comedian and celebrity popstar. Here zhe is:

Wow, maybe that was a one off? Not so fast punters, look at zhir:

Huh, don't say degenerate actor, say brave leader of the rainbow free world for whom, apparently, we're prepared to go to thermonuclear war. Check out Great Britain's top spy chief, the head of MI6, and Joe Biden, the most popular president ever in the history of 81 million evers:

Transsexualism, says the Big Guy. The greatest civil rights issue of our time. So now we know. Thanks, Joe, let's beat the hell out of Russia.

In other news, leading elements of Team LSP went to a Foreigner gig last night. Uh huh, at Grey Eagle Casino, in Alberta. "Is this a tribute band? I was dancing in the front row," said one member of the fighting patrol.

Juke Box Hero,


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Stupid Busy


Good Lord it's been an intense few days. Well, no rest for the wicked. Speaking of which, hate hoaxer Juicy's been released pending appeal. He lied to the world saying he was attacked by vicious MAGA racists who were really two Nigerian brothers, Empire extras to boot. Juice paid them $3,500, by check, idiotically.

Then there's Hunter Biden. Turns out the Big Guy's son's laptop is, in fact, the real deal because, you know, fact check all about truth. Too bad our media's become an agitprop lie factory running at full speed. And where will it end?

That remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, this is MAGA country.

Your Pal,


Monday, March 7, 2022

Heigh Ho Off We Go


Well, not me, just the eldest, and I have to say that plate rig's pretty heavy so I gave him a hand as he packed up to return to the Fort. He's all geared up for deployment in a month or so but ticked off about the state of his battalion's Humvees.

"Dad, they go back to the '90s, a lot of 'em are gonna end up as parts vehicles when we get there." I thought about this, "So you'll be useless as a mechanized force?" No, they'll use the working kit of the units they're embedded with and the broken become supply.

In the midst of this knotty supply and logistics issue an experienced solutions provider phoned in and I explained the problem. He thought for a moment, "We had the same thing in Gulf War I. We were running WWII Jeeps, seriously, Jeeps, because the Navy was cheap. I like Jeeps, but nothing has changed."

I passed that on to kid and he felt better. Soldiers like tradition.

Your Pal,


Friday, March 4, 2022

Nothing To See Here


Imagine, if you can, the threat of a hostile power setting up bioweapons labs on our border with, say, Mexico. Would you feel worried, threatened, outraged? I would and I'd want to see them gone. That in mind, the US is or was apparently doing just that, running biolabs in the Ukraine, at least 11 of them.


They go under the aegis of the US Department of Defense's Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and the US Embassy in Ukraine makes no bones about it. They're there to "consolidate and secure," but if benign why, on February 26, did the embassy purge documents from its website detailing the labs?


Regardless, and despite the US Embassy's healthcare euphemisms, see Planned Parenthood, would any of us for a split second expect our government to put up with this at the very least potential threat on our borders. I don't think so. Why, then, should we expect Russia to.

Kyrie Eleison, a TikTok Witch

That in mind, it's no small thing for Putin to roll into Ukraine with all the risk that entails. So why invade? Of course he could be an unhinged, warmongering tyrant, a new Hitler if you like. 

On the other hand, perhaps he recognized a serious existential threat and moved to neutralize it, biolabs and all. Feel free to disagree, but I'm not so sure Warmongering Tyrant Hitler (WTH) describes Putin. 

Your call,


Saturday, February 26, 2022



Everyone's forgotten, perhaps, about John Durham's investigation into the kind of skulduggery and malfeasance that'd make a Watergate investigator blush. That's right, alleged DNC/Hillary campaign spying on a political rival and beyond, aided and abetted by the FBI and others.

But here's Kash Patel:

This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history… John Durham has interviewed 24 people in the Grand Jury to include, CIA case officers, FBI agents and directors, leadership in the Clinton Campaign cycle, and they’ve indicted her lawyer. So this is just starting. It’s how you build a criminal conspiracy case. And they’re not going to be able to ignore indictments once they start coming in… Michael Sussman and Marc Elias were the lead attorneys for the Clinton Campaign. They were paid millions and millions of dollars to perpetuate the Steele Dossier fraud. And now we know they were paid millions of dollars to go out and buy false information from a tech executive… And here’s the worst part. They secured a “sensitive arrangement” with someone in government to gain access to White House servers. That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly. And that to me is the biggest criminal scandal that we have yet to talk about… (on John Durham) He’s going to deliver. This guy is unraveling the biggest criminal conspiracy against a sitting president in the United States history.


Kharkov Today

Bombs indeed, will any hit the target? In the meanwhile, curry's simmering on the stove like a champion and war explodes in the East. I'm aghast at that, the war not the curry, we haven't seen anything like it in Europe since the 1940s. Please pray for peace.

Your Friend,