Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Short Sunday Homily


In Nomine,



LindaG said...

You all be safe and God bless.

LSP said...

Stand firm, Linda.

drjim said...

Yea Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Darkness, I Shall Not Fear.....

Seamus1962 said...

I tried to explain to a friend my reaction to LGBTQ etc folks - especially when I see teens going in that direction. One said I was "homophobic". I replied that I neither fear nor hate them - that is not in my spirit. I am profoundly concerned for them and my reaction is akin to a paramedic or ER MD seeing someone bleeding out in front of them and not being "allowed" to help. The word I like to use is: homomerimnaó - my Latin/Greek mix up meaning to care about, and be anxious for, the conditions of men. That's me. They are bleeding out.
LSP - merimnaó is 3309 in Strong's concordance. (That's biblical stuff :) )

LSP said...

Stand firm, drjim.

LSP said...

Right with you, Seamus.

Latin/Greek? Would there was more of it. In the meanwhile, I'm betting the monkey they lose, and he's a ferocious beast.