Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Just look at what SATAN has done to this poor girl. Inner wickedness at the highest levels of the state reflected in demonic visage. You'll note, dear readers, that Victoria's all about killing people. She's also a Bonesman. Here's LL via commentary, I quote at length:

Nuland was a career ambassador with the highest diplomatic rank in the U.S. Foreign Service. She retired from government work, but fear not, she is still the Brady-Johnson distinguished practitioner (a funded chair) in grand strategy at Yale University and a member of the board of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Nuland will join The School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (SIPA) as the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor (funded chair) in the Practice of International Diplomacy effective July 1.

Nuland will also direct SIPA’s International Fellows Program, which provides an interdisciplinary forum for Columbia University graduate students to study international problems. Lastly, she will be a member of the Institute of Global Politics’ affiliated faculty, which comprises selected scholars and practitioners who work on research projects to advance IGP’s mission.


So she now sits in funded chairs at Columbia (in a month or so) and Yale. What is her affiliation with the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale? Ah, LSP, the plot thickens. It turns out that she's a faculty advisor to Skull and Bones...

322, anyone, or should we just say Bush? Listen up.




Well Seasoned Fool said...

Current version would make a maggot puke.

Pat said...

Redd Foxx nailed it long ago..." Beauty is only skin deep, ugly is all the way to the bone"

Wild, wild west said...

Something very wrong there, for sure. I'm not a very tolerant or forgiving person by nature, one of my many faults, but we all ought to be praying for that woman, good and hard.

Anonymous said...

I know we all change as we age, and with some people the years really ride hard. But that barely looks like the same person. What happened? Never mind I can guess…
Southern NH

LindaG said...

Are we certain the person in the first picture wasn't spirited away and the second person didn't just steal the identity?
Depressing stuff.
You all be safe and God bless.

RHT447 said...

Skull and Bones = pirate flag? Would explain a lot.

LSP said...

I can't find fault with that, WSF.

LSP said...

Well ain't that the truth, Pat.

LSP said...

Most definitely, Wild, very good call.

LSP said...

It's a very terrible thing, NH. I do not say that lightly.

Mike_C said...

Roald Dahl said: “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

LSP said...

That's very similar, not quite word for word ut close, to St. John of Kronstadt, MC. And it's true, somewhat terrifyingly.