Showing posts with label Felix Dzerzhinsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felix Dzerzhinsky. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Revolutionary Rage

You may not recall but Hungary had a short-lived Communist revolution, towards the end of the first World War. George Lukacs served as People's Commissar for Education and Culture in the regime and did his best to deconstruct Christian ethics through radical sex-education in schools.

The sensible Hungarians saw through the Marxist attempt to remake human nature and society in the image of antichrist and threw the commies out, bye bye, Bela Kun. 

A Lunatic Leftist Possessed by Satan

But of course their spirit lived on and we can see it today, foaming, raging, gnashing, frothing, posturing, grandstanding, teething at the prospect of losing the judiciary of the United States.


Hungary had the good sense to boot the hateful Lukacs into Germany, where he peddled his brand of cultural nihilism in Frankfurt and from there into America and beyond. Fast forward to today.

NWO Iluminati Evil Puppet Master Soros

George Soros, billionaire socialist heir to Lukacs, has been thrown out of his country, his organizations aren't allowed in Hungary anymore. So he's set up in Berlin; it's almost as though history's repeating itself, in a future proves past kind of way.

Iron Duke

With that in mind, they came on in the same old way and we beat them back, in the same old way. Thanks, Iron Duke, for the inspiration.

Train hard, think positive, fight easy,


Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Dove Walk

Sometimes you have to take some time out from polishing your Felix Dzerzhinsky bust and get out in the field. My friend from New York agreed and tore himself away from the minutiae of Das Kapital and off we went, x in search of dove.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

In a normal season, one which hasn't been sabotaged by 5th Column Weather Activists, we'd have flushed a few birds from the treelines and adjacent fields. As it was, a couple of avian acrobats lifted off from the grass and a few shots were fired, but they were long and the birds got away to fight again another day.

Escape From New York

Still, the armed stroll was good in itself; there you are in the country under the big Texan sky, gun in hand. There's peace in that, for me, and excitement too, when you get that split second of explosive action.

A Typical Deadly Assault Rifle

Walkabout over, we fell back to the cow skull with a carbine and gave it the old red dot treatment. Take that, skull, and word to the wise. 

The Skull

If you're fixing to strap on a cow skull as some kind of magic protection against 5.56, don't. It won't work, trust me.

Look, Buddy, it's not Gonna Work

So that was that. A good day was had by all and who knows, maybe the dove will start flying at some point soon. Hill County hopes. 

Happy Labor Day,


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Minimum Wage?

ZeroHedge takes a dim view of raising the minimum wage to $15 and thinks it'll make everyone poorer by causing unemployment and inflation. Socialists think it'll make more people richer by giving the poor a bigger slice of the fiscal pie. What do I think, you ask with bated breath.

That people should be paid a just wage in return for their work, especially the clergy. But why stop with a minimum wage and a progressive income tax. Why not empower the dictatorship of the proletariat Government, which is your Friend, to give everyone the same amount of money? That'd be fair, right? 

Obey Felix Dzerzhinsky

Come to think of it, why not abolish private property and build some reeducation camps for the kulaks, you know, all the ones you haven't shot yet.

And before you come up with the tired old lame excuse that there isn't enough money, remember, the State can print as much of that as it likes.



Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Felix Navidad!

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! Navidad music fills the air, which is crisp and the stars are bright, and that's what it's like, here in Texas.

God bless you all,


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Who Will Be The Next PB?

Known to her friends as a Rainbow Warrior Rockstar and to her enemies as a Boy Bishop Harridan Witch, Katharine Jefferts Schori certainly provokes strong emotions. But not for long. Soon she will be passing on the baton of leading the Episcopal Church to someone else. So who will be the next Presiding Bishop of the fabulously wealthy but numbers-thin denomination?

There are several contenders for the post  of top TEC pontiff.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

Felix Dzerzhinsky, scion of minor Polish nobility and feared head of the Soviet secret police, the infamous Cheka, is widely touted as a possible successor to Schori. "He keeps on mission," stated one pundit.

Anton LaVey

Anton LaVey, renowned Satanist and Dzerzhinsky look-alike, is also in the running. LaVey's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" Crowleyism make him a good fit for the office of Presiding Bishop. LaVey is a serious contender to the pansexualist TEC throne.

Margaret Sanger

The Episcopal Church is an enthusiastic supporter of abortion and champions the right of women to "break through the stained glass ceiling." Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and proponent of Havelockian "sex magicke", is an obvious shoe-in for the position of Bishop-in-Charge of the Episcopal Church.

Gale Sondergaard

Speculation is also building that Gale Sondergaard has been invited to take on the role of "PB". However, it's rumored  that Sondergaard is "reluctant to wear the disfiguring makeup," and fears "it could damage her career." Sondergaard could well drop out of the running for the coveted role of leading the moneyed but  rapidly declining denomination.

Who will be the next PB? Dzerrzhinsky, LaVey, Sanger or Sondergaard?

You, the reader, are invited to be the judge.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ride English

In a ferocious bid to break personal stereotyping I decided to go horse riding, Saturday being as good as any other day. I rode English for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it. Keep those legs down, LSP!

Simon and Pistol

Don't get me wrong, I like Western too, a lot, but maybe English -style forces you to work on basic equestrian skills. More contact, too.


Keen-eyed observers of the religious scene are speculating that Felix Dzerzhinsky and Anton LaVey are the two top contenders for the soon-to-be vacant position of Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.


Is there an outside contender?

Ride on,