Showing posts with label DEI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEI. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

You're Fired


Maybe you haven't noticed but Scotland's preposterous diversity hire's been fired, SNLR, services no longer required. That's right, the absurd  Humza Yousaf has been sent packing after a mere month of his pathetically outrageous DEI, Rainbow Globohomo hate crime law.

Well done, Scots, kick such net worth 5MN trash to the curb,


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Malfeasance Oppression Tyrannical Partiality


Looks like you crossed some kinda line, Fani, and now you have to pay the price. Which she might be able to do because Fani's net worth is mere 8 million socialist dollars. You can read all about it on Zero, here.

Bushcraft, bringing home the bacon

In sum, massive corruption. What are we, Zimbabwe? Something like that, but with far greater amounts of DEI cash to sling around the Malfeasance Zone which is our governance. Come back, Selous Scouts, all is forgiven.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, January 14, 2024



It's freezing here, literally freezing. Biting wind cuts through the icy boulevards of this once prosperous Texan farming community. Yes, once prosperous, but someone forgot to pay their Weather Tax and now our Old Enemy is exacting its revenge.

Lake Whitney

Snow, ice, bitter wind and glowering, leaden grey skies. Very little moves, how could it, it's frozen, and worse is yet to come. Weather Seers are predicting an ice storm will hit this erstwhile cotton town later tonight.

A typical Compound room scene

We'll see who and what survives the latest attack by General Winter, who knows. But one thing is certain, we stand firm, resolute, unbroken before our ancient adversary, no, we will not pay the tax. Speaking of which, some of you may have noticed the curious twists and turns of Lib Logic.

This is what happens to your library and writing room when you don't pay the dam tax

As in, it's colder now because it's hotter, which is why you have to pay us moar money so you'll be trans DEI richer.

See you on the other side,


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Diversity Hire Mountebank


Guess what, the guy who's in charge of the transist, globohomo, largest military in the world just went missing, totally out of action, AWOL, MIA, right at the time we're fighting yet another war. Why, you ask, did SECDEF Austin go offline in these crucial hours?

High Stepping Fraud

Because the diversity hire has prostate cancer. Good thing we'll never, ever, ever have to fight another major war again. But in case you're remotely interested, Diversity Austin's net worth is an appx 2MUSD. NICE.

Good Heavens!

Like wow, these people really hate you. A lot, and they're wondering why white people aren't signing up. Regardless, behold buffoon, mountebank, careerist, diversity hire, unfit for purpose Lloyd Austin, the leader under Biden of the world's most powerful military. Good luck with that.



Thursday, January 4, 2024

UFO News


I can't even comment except to ask, will any of the space aliens who live amongst us be brought to justice? OK, they killed Epstein and his business partner, weird how the CCTV cut out at the appropriate moments, and jailed Ghizzy. What can we say, reverse engineered alien tech is obviously pretty good. In fact it's super stealth. 

No one saw it in the first place and if they did see it they forgot it or hid it, like the FBI. But there are exceptions to the rule, sometimes the off-worlders slip up, like at Harvard, where Claudine "Gay" got zhirself fired for copy and paste only to be awarded 900K. Yes, the Galactic Council looks after its own.

Then there's Sean Lennon. His dad was King of the Hippies who married the vocal genius of Yoko and then he got shot; clearly space aliens. But what's this, off-world Sean's come into orbit and said this, "Have you guys heard of DEI? It stands for ‘Dumb Evil Idiots.'"

Dumb Evil Idiots. Well said, Sean, come back to Terra, all is forgiven, and we have to ask: Are some aliens on our side?



Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How Very Gay


You Wicked Old Fraud

Behold the President of Satan's Vatican, Claudine Gay, real name. Claudine's got zhirself in trouble for allowing Harvard's junior demons to run around campus calling for Jewish genocide. It's apparently a trend in the hallowed halls of Luciferian academe, go ask the president figures of MIT and U Penn.

What's with these wymmxn? And why have the Ivy League Left gone full holocaust NSDAP in the space of so many seconds? More to the point, why is Claudine "Real Name" Gay President of Harvard in the first place, because of zhir weighty, substantial, academic credentials or because DEI activist. 

What an academic genius!

Surely the latter, and you'll be pleased to know that Harvard's faculty have come out some 700 strong to defend President Gay despite the fact that her bogus dissertation on some race idiocy was partly lifted from her supervisor. Yeah, Gay stole her supervisor's work and passed it off as her own.

Nice one, Gay, but Carol Swain, who Gay stole from, wasn't pleased, calling her a "fraud" and an "embarrassment" who would've been fired if "she were a white male, or even a white female, caught in the scandal that she’s caught in."

So totally not a DEI dyke

Well that's just it, eh? Remember, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect and while we're at it, why would anyone, ever, send their kid to Harvard. Bad ROI, to put it mildly. 

In related news, Iowa's State Capitol's set up a shrine to goat headed Baphomet, complete with candles and everything. Good work, Iowa, perhaps you'll be joining Harvard in the near future.

I tell you, we're in for a reckoning,