Saturday, March 8, 2025

Who Is This Freak?


Who is this blue haired freak?

Just a Democrat Congresspersyn from Connecticut.

Rosa DeLauro was elected to Connecticut's third congressional district in 1990 and has remained there ever since. DeLauro's worth a nifty $3MN, which isn't bad for a socialist on a paltry taxpayer funded salary of 174K. Whether DeLauro's a man or a woman or something in between is open for debate.




Hooda Thunkett said...

Straight outa MacBeth. Where's her cauldron?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Maybe she has a great personality?

Red's woodsman. said...

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, the band from The Muppets, probably had groupies. The drummer, Animal, makes more sense than the congressional it.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

I thought it might have been Taylor Swift. You know lefties do not age well.

Wild, wild west said...

More of a "what" than a who, don't ya think? Horton hears a What.

Mike_C said...

“Old Spock” in drag.

Anonymous said...

Jamie farr Klinger from mash

LSP said...

Houda, that's an excellent call.

LSP said...

I guess, WSF, beats me.

LSP said...

Ain't that the truth, Mr. woodsman. What a freak.

LSP said...

Infidel! You're not a... Swiftie?!? Well I can't blame you, just look into those mean little eyes and get a migraine.

LSP said...

Totally agree, Mr Wild.

LSP said...

Mike, YES.

LSP said...

You're being kind, Anon.

Dr. Swankenstein said...

She is a Lizard Person whose human skin suit is showing signs of wear, she will need to return to the underworld/hollow earth to replace her skin suit.

LSP said...

A Reptilan, Doktor? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Just a crazy bitch from hell! She represents a bunch just like her!