Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Operation Potok

Keen-eyed observers of the war in Ukraine may have noticed Ukrainian positions in the Kursk pocket folding up like a deck of cards, with the Russians recapturing over 12 settlements and 100 square kilometers of territory in 24 hours. Unusual, to say the least, in a war that's been typically measured in meters. So why the sudden collapse?

Partly because of Operation Potok (Flow), which saw some 800 men infiltrate into the Ukrainian rear near Sudza via a 15 kilometer stretch of gas pipeline. Arriving at their staging posts undetected after a week of piping, the Russian combat teams moved onto their various objectives. A major engineering, logistical and tactical feat. RWA waxes lyrical from the Russian side:


"It's hard to comprehend the scale and difficulty of this mission. Getting enough oxygen and water into the tunnel, setting up the logistics (soldiers need ammo! They need food!), dealing with the physical challenges — walking 15km through a narrow tunnel with a low ceiling (my back hurts just thinking about it) —, the psychological pressure, the darkness... and yet...


"They sent several hundred (800, apparently) soldiers through that tunnel. Everyone always had enough food and water. After exiting the tunnel, the soldiers immediately went on a forced march and into battle — they captured several key strongpoints, set up a perimeter defence & held the line until their comrades broke through to them.


"This was a genuinely superhuman feat. Not just the march, not just the sheer amount of soldiers that crossed that pipe, but, after going through this nightmare willpower challenge, IMMEDIATELY going into combat, and WINNING, kicking the enemy out of his trenches and strongpoints, disrupting his logistics, causing chaos and panic in his rear, and then absorbing the pushback while fully encircled on all sides — it's UNBELIEVABLE. And yet we know it happened!"

Yes it did, and there's no shortage of video to prove it. Has there been an operation like it, on an equivalent scale in modern times, maybe in Vietnam? I can't recall one, but that's just me. In the meanwhile, Russians are streaming videos from inside Sudza, Ukrainian troops are attempting to retreat and Zelensky's asked for a 30 day ceasefire. Here's some pipe footage:

Feel free to disagree, but I'd say Operation Potok is one for the history books. Whether Russia agrees to a ceasefire remains to be seen.




Beans said...

Damn. That's some serious Spetznaz level stuff. Stuff of legends.

And why did this happen? Because Cocaineskyy jumped the shark and blew off the Teflon Don and screwed the pooch while peeing into the wind.

Trump had the chance to have the line static and not having Potok happen. But, no, forces within our own government whispered into Cocaineskyy's ears and the mad dwarf had to set his country up for the kill shot.


Mike_C said...

“Cocaine is a helluva drug.”

Cocaine is causally associated with decreased impulse control, more impulsive behavior, and thrill-seeking behavior. It adversely affects the capacity for long term planning, and may make it more difficult for the habitual user to learn from negative experiences.

In other words, Zelenskyy is The Real Victim here. He is not responsible for his choices and actions. As a member of a historically persecuted class (I refer to his being a male who (allegedly) performs fellatio — what did y’all THINK I was talking about?) Zelenskyy deserves our total and unqualified support.

Old NFO said...

Yep, amazing that they all made it AND were able to fight.

LL said...

Your guys said NO to a ceasefire agreement, LSP. What now?

Anonymous said...


CPL Antero Rokka said...

C-in-C Putin, dressed in camo, (no Saville Row suit here) appears in Kursk Oblast telling the collective West (again) what the peace deal requires. RUSS has 'all the cards.' Is any bloody fool of the West listening? C-in-C Trump: kindly pull the plug on intell, targeting data, weapons, and moola--problem solved. The Penis-Playing-Piano-Performer folds like a cheap suit.

Anonymous said...

Phenomenal effort and spirit. For the history books alright, nothing like it previously. Heroes all.

LSP said...

Beans, you'll recall Cocainsky met with the Democrats first. Huh.

LSP said...

My dear Mike, Zelensky must be defended to the very last Ukrainian. All that powder don't come cheap!

LSP said...

Remarkable, NFO.

LSP said...

Very good question, LL. And what can I say? Situation fluid, story developing.

LSP said...

Good heavens, Anon!

LSP said...

With you, CPL.

LSP said...

Never seen anything like it, Anon.