Thursday, November 30, 2023

CIA Goes For UFOs


According to the UK's Daily Mail a top secret CIA office (Office Of Global Access or OGA) has been collecting crashed UFO debris since 2003 and even took possession of two intact craft.

Unnamed sources told the Mail:

There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones, it has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.


Wow, but we have to ask, if extraterrestrials are so technologically advanced that they were able to cross the icy void of interstellar space to visit earth, why would they crash, much less allow the CIA to get hold of their tech. It seems unlikely, which hints at a coverup, an inside job if you will.

Here at the Compound, we believe USGOV along with its secret police and espionage agencies have been infiltrated and possibly controlled by Off World interests for many years. Much like, if you pause to reflect, the Church of England (COE), the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and the tellingly named TEC (The Episcopal Church).

So of course the OGA took possession of downed space alien craft, they're on the same team. Terrifying, isn't it. And perhaps you think this is some kind of weird conspiracy theory, think again.

Ad Astra,


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Life For The Tzar Finale


Reds hate this, it enrages them, demon style.

But right thinking people love Glinka's Life for the Tzar, how could they not? Because they're deranged leftist shill goons driven insane by Satan.

A Fourth Rome there will never be,


Harvard Goes Swiftie


Popularly known as Satan's Vatican, America's prestigious Harvard university's set to debut a course on pop icon Taylor Swift in the Spring. Called "Taylor Swift And Her World," students will earn credit for "deep dives" into the smash hit celebrity's "lyrics, music" and "artistry."

Via Breitbart:

In this class, students will earn college credit for their deep dives into Swift’s lyrics, music, and influence, dissecting her catalog and reading a host of authors Burt finds relevant to understanding Swift’s artistry,” the newspaper reported.

Professor Burt, who graduated from Harvard in 1994, told the Harvard Crimson, “I try to teach only the courses that I think our students can really use — either because students want them or because our curriculum needs them.”



Exactly, really, really expensive classes at Limo Lib Ivy Schools have gotta be useful and necessary, and that's where the legendary singer/songwriter genius of  Taylor Swift comes in. Prof Burt continues:

"Taylor Swift is someone who establishes complicated and changing relationships to the idea of Americanness and to the idea of white Americanness and of middle America,” Burt said.

What can we say? Tay Tay is someone who establishes complicated and changing relationships to the idea of Americanness. Quite.

Tay Tay's net worth's at a jaw dropping  >1BN$. Have you ever looked into her eyes and not gotten a migraine?



Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Well Shoot


"Dad, let's go for a shoot." I thought about this, "What kind of shoot?" The once and maybe future Cadet replied, "A pistol shoot, my pal's never shot one because Canada and needs to get on it." I reflected on this, "D'ye know what .45 ACP costs, son?" and long story short, loaded up some guns in the rig and headed for the range.

First up, a no name Italian O/U 12 and a CZ 20 SxS, would the skeet survive the flak barrage? At first they did but we warmed up, smoking those clays like orange Focke Wulf's going down over France. Nice, good work, if remedial for me.

Then we moved on to .45 and I was genuinely impressed by the kids, really good shooting. Well done boys, and especially Canadian pal, right on in there without any prior experience, a natural. Hey, shoot on, and so we did, finishing up with a Ruger American .22 against random clays, shotgun shells, and assorted steel at 50 and 100 yards. Big fun.

Mission accomplished, we headed back to base and ordered pizza, cleaned weapons and all was well. What a great afternoon in the field.



Monday, November 27, 2023

Just throwing It Out There


Thank Gaia the Left is in control of everything

A dime for a cup of coffee? Good luck with the Bidenomics, fool. Then there's Ukraine, how many millionaires have become multimillionaires dealing on the we must stop evil Putin autocrat before he invades us all and bans trans bathrooms!

Pax et Bonum,


The Shigur Idol


The Shigur Idol was found in a Russian peat bog in the 1890s and is the world's oldest wooden statue, dated to around 9000 BC, making it roughly contemporary with Gobekli Tepe. The idol or totem originally stood over 17 feet high but is now shorter, 9.2 feet, thanks to pieces lost during the Red Terror.

What a remarkable relic of prehistory and as with Gobekli Tepe, proof that 9000 BC humans were rather more than bark scraping nut gatherers. Were they the successors of of a previous civilization, one that had been destroyed by cataclysm and flood? Possibly, and all you Younger Dryas experts can chime in.

In the meanwhile, behold the face of the idol and ask, what were they thinking? We don't know but I tell you this, it wasn't Christian.

Your Ante-Deluvian Pal,


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Christ The King


It's the Feast of Christ the King today, instituted by Pius XI in 1925 to assert the sovereignty of our Lord in the face of increasing godlessness and godlessness it was. Margaret Sanger, who went on to found Planned Parenthood, expressed its spirit shouting out from her magazine Woman Rebel, "No Gods No Masters!"

That was in 1914, three years before the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and its enraged attack on the Church. In illo tempore the infamous British occultist Aleister Crowley had written, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." And there you have it, your will, not God's, is the rule.

Fast forward to today and the Sangerite spirit's alive and kicking, and if Crowley's do what thou wilt is the movement's creed, then transgenderism and abortion are its unholy sacraments, outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual rebellion against God.

Against this, the Church says no, you are not Gods and there is one true sovereign, Christ, Incarnate, Crucified and Risen, who breaks the power of sin, death and hell from the throne of the Cross. And as he ascended so will he descend, with clouds of glory to judge the quick and the dead, to separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. Message to market?

Get right with him, love him, follow him, and obey his commandments so that when he comes and we see him face to face he will know us as true and loyal subjects, as sheep of his own fold, and welcome us to the green pastures and still waters of paradise.


Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in thy well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Viva Cristo Rey,


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Just Some Stupid Memes


Wow, he's white and has a dog and a gun.

And a halo and a log cabin, inna woods. Lucky boy.

And then there's a frog.



What A Dam Disgrace


This makes me weep, it may not you. Sic transit. Then there's this besuited, Whitehall, sandy haired, baggy-eyed traitor. And Tony Margarine Demon Blair, watch out for him. 

Come back Curzon and Rhodes, all is forgiven.

Words fail,


Random Gun Ramble


Get A Better Bipod

Waved the young, ahem, gentlemen off to the range via Chevy Trailblazer this afternoon and off they went with various weapons. A ChiCom SKS, a CZ SxS 20, a no-name Italian O/U 12, a Ruger American .22 and an Aero Precision AR 10, all very 7.62.

Boom, and what could possibly go wrong with this scenario? Good question, and I asked one of the young men if he was a shooter. "Not really," came the reply, "Just some time with 9s and .22," so I fixed him with a steely eye, "Just make sure you don't shoot your buddy, alright? That's a no-no." He then rattled off the rules of marksmanship and I felt marginally reassured.

Random Hallway Weapons

Well, all you parents out there, perhaps you get the concern and in case you think me somehow "micro," "helicopter" or "nanny state," consider this.

The man who owns the range, it's part of his farming empire, loves to shoot and he took his only son out to the place for some plinking enjoyment. All good, until the kid shot himself in the groin with a .22 and bled out on the way to the nearest hospital. It's a larf, right, until it isn't.

Clean the dam pistol, LSP

That in mind, the boys did well, didn't shoot each other and returned back to HQ in good style following an unreformed diner burger at Campbell's(?). Looks like a shack, is pretty much a shack, but serves great diner burgers, rock on.

Message to market. Enjoy firearms, blast away and be free, but respect the weapon for what it is. Does that sound sententious or preachy? No, just solid common sense.

Shoot straight,


Friday, November 24, 2023

This And That


Get a haircut, fool

Well yesterday was fun, all about a standing rib, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and carrots, delicious gravy and all of that. A young soldier and his Canadian pal approved of the feast. 

But today struck with a dead battery and headlight bulb in the kid's car and I tell you, removing a battery and replacing a bulb in an '04 Chevy Trailblazer isn't as easy as you'd think. Canadian friend likened it to "heart surgery." He had a point.

Big Baby

Then the kids went fishing and drove off to Austin to hang out with some Polish people and, I guess, hippies, it being Austin and all. I did not go to Austin but stayed at the Compound, where it's safe, and RV'd with some Mexicans at the church.

What good people, who set up the church's "sound system" for the new Spanish Mass this coming Sunday. I do not use a "sound system" because I kinda hate them in church, but for them it's important. So hey, carry on and el Senor sea con ustedes.

That aside, I find this... hypnotic, perhaps you will too:



Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!


Have a great day! Getting all up in the crystal and silver here at the Mess as we prepare to pound the mahogany. And here's a prayer:

O MOST merciful Father, who hast blessed the labours of the husbandman in the returns of the fruits of the earth; We give thee humble and hearty thanks for this thy bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness to us, that our land may still yield her increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God bless you all,