Tuesday, February 4, 2025



Democrats are howling, shrieking, and throwing up in their mouths while they tear at their hair as their favorite slush fund is shuttered. That's right, USAID is shut down for business, and what a business it was. From funding regime change around the world to transsexual theater groups in Transnistria, USAID was busy funneling millions/billions of dollars of your money to the Radical Rainbow.

Some might say the agency positively glowed in the dark, and others think it was the lynchpin of Deep State bureaucratic resistance to the incoming administration. An unelectedly glowing 5th Column in the heart of DC, which would turn it's iridescent regime change genius inwards, on America itself. Great idea, but I guess they believed their own marketing. Sorry, USAID persyns, the Executive is boss of you and locked you all out over the weekend, even as Rat Claw Rubio took over.

Communist Whore

Consider that. Rat Claw Rubio is acting director of USAID with intent to root out its corrupt money laundering treason semper et ubique. Result. Meanwhile, enraged Congress persyns and assorted mountebanks are quivering, shaking, pounding the air and demanding entry into their money laundering pit. This would include Col. Vindman, remember him? Perhaps he wanted to retrieve something from his office.

You heard it here first, some time ago. Saying

So good for you, EL SENOR 47, for getting right down to business in your first two weeks in office. Keep it coming until the bloated kleptocracy of our sclerotic governance is taken out, root and branch. That in mind, what's next? Department of Education, please. The IRS? Doubleplusgood please.

Your Amiable Friend,


Saturday, February 1, 2025

We've Only Just Begun

Sometimes it's better in song, don't you think? Here, check it out:

Your Best Pal,


We Are All Rhodesians Now


In the war against global Zimbabwe.

Perhaps you're just catching up to it or perhaps you're a veteran. Don't feel bad, it's never too late or too soon.

Your Old Friend,




Yes, on the United States, an economic war of tariffs. For every 20% tariff the US applies to Canadian imports the beloved rainbow rulers of Canada will slap on an extra 5% to US imports. Take that, Trump. So, we bill them at 20%, 10% for oil, and they kick us in the shin with 25%. Look out, Nazi America.

Oof, or is it? 77% of Canada's exports go to America, about a third of that being crude oil, and maybe now they'll lose that income stream as we drill, baby, drill. Apart from oil, Americans can expect massive price increases in revolting Tim Hortons coffee, nasty "TimBits" donuts, and hangover in a glass whiskey. Oh dear, I guess we'll have to produce these things ourselves, which is what it's all about.

Gary Indiana, a typical US city

Speaking of which, the traitors who off-shored our industry to China, leaving asset-stripped hellhole, dystopian nightmare in the place of once prosperous towns and cities need to be brought to account. What an epic crime against our nation and its people. Will they be? Good question, hope so.

Gotta tan, LSP?

In the meanwhile, perhaps Trumpian tariffs will reverse this sickening trend and bring back industry, jobs and prosperity to the US. Who knows; and while we're at it, abolish income tax and the privately owned, usurious Fed's armed collector, the IRS. Just a thought. In the meanwhile, Justine's going to war. We quake in our loafers.



Friday, January 31, 2025

Oh Dear


Some people aren't very happy that 45 became 47 and started axing FBI agents, risible pronounery and all of that. They don't like illegal aliens being sent back from whence they came, even as rainbow flags and DEI budget flows came crashing down. They seem to be in a state of, what's the phrase, Shock and Awe. But who are these people?

Witches. They've been hexing DJT for years, asking demons to  get in there and halt his anti-Satan progress. And you know what? At first they seemed to be doing pretty well, see the dropped-on-head-as-infant you're a Russian agent! ruse. The 51 headed hydra Intel Mutiny and, of course, the great 2020 Rig. But now?

Not so much. The witches are reporting that their spells aren't getting through, they're not working. Why? Because 47 has a "shield." According to CBN:

"Therefore he has a shield, a flimsy one of course, but a shield nonetheless (I am trying to figure out a way to create spells that can bypass that, but it's difficult)."

Another posted, "I hate to say this, but don't do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others."



A shield. How very remarkable that one of the boldest, maybe the boldest catholic administrations in recent Western history is protected against rainbow demonism. All you witches take note, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and Abysmal Mengele's performing an operation. And all in the name of tolerance or, if you're really smart, "radical autonomy." Such utter wickedness.

Defende Nos,


Thursday, January 30, 2025



Retreat! What a foreign-sounding word. No, we do not retreat, we attack and never, ever surrender. Granted, famous last words, but the fighting spirit prevails. That in mind, there comes a time when you've got to rest and regroup so you can take the war to the enemy with renewed spirit. And that's exactly what this year's clergy retreat was all about, a spiritual reset on the shores of Lake Dallas at Montserrat retreat house.

Typical Compound Scene

No, there weren't any lesbian priestesses, dancing nuns or wymxn bishop figures. There was Morning and Evening Prayer, Compline, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, daily Mass, and a series of outstanding talks given by Fr. Hans Boersma. His theme? Participation in the life of God and recovery of a sacramental worldview from nominalism and what he described as "flat earthers," from two dimensional late modernity.

Just some road in Texas

Outstanding. Boersma is a Christian Platonist and, I think, more than a little mystic. He's also not a Lib and he's Dutch, both of which conjoined are cool. So that was all good. Good too to be with the priests of our diocese, what a great crew and fun to live with, even if only for a few short days.

God bless,


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Off The Leash

Get it on my man.

I say again, since when did a country having a border become Fascist and Nazi? Oh, maybe since the Democrats, Labour and "Tories" wanted to import votes, while their rainbow corp sponsors wanted cheap labor. What a despicable, corrupt crew of Uniparty Satans. Tom's unzipping that malfeasant skulduggery right about now. The guy's a savage. Bye-bye, European nuance, whatever the hell virtue that's supposed to signal.

On point, people say Americans are benign, simple perhaps. Maybe they have a point, but maybe they need to stand back, take note and mark the total, 100% savagery. Yes, just waiting to be unleashed. Looks like Tom's onnit.

Rock On,


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Turtle Loses Warfighter Wins


Kentucky's ruling Turtle and other RINO traitors failed in their sad and dishonest effort to stop a patriot, combat vet warfighter from becoming Secretary of Defense. They were more than happy to vote for the last corporate establishment DEI hire, but not Pete. Good thing JDV broke the 50/50 senatorial tie. Here's what the Turtle, the Alaskan Witch, and others voted against, Hegseth's vision, via GP:

It is the privilege of a lifetime to lead the warriors of the Department of Defense, under the leadership of our Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump. We will put America First, and we will never back down.

The President gave us a clear mission: achieve Peace through Strength. We will do this in three ways — by restoring the warrior ethos, rebuilding our military, and reestablishing deterrence.

o    We will revive the warrior ethos and restore trust in our military.  We are American warriors. We will defend our country.  Our standards will be high, uncompromising, and clear. The strength of our military is our unity and our shared purpose.

o    We will rebuild our military by matching threats to capabilities. This means reviving our defense industrial base, reforming our acquisition process, passing a financial audit, and rapidly fielding emerging technologies. We will remain the strongest and most lethal force in the world.

o    We will reestablish deterrence by defending our homeland — on the ground and in the sky. We will work with allies and partners to deter aggression in the Indo-Pacific by Communist China, as well as supporting the President’s priority to end wars responsibly and reorient to key threats. We will stand by our allies — and our enemies are on notice.

All of this will be done with a focus on lethality, meritocracy, accountability, standards, and readiness.

I have committed my life to warfighters and their families.  Just as my fellow soldiers had my back on the battlefield, know that I will always have your back. We serve together at a dangerous time.  Our enemies will neither rest nor relent.  And neither will we.  We will stand shoulder to shoulder to meet the urgency of this moment.

Like each of you, I love my country and swore an oath to defend the Constitution. We will do that each and every day, as one team.  Together we will accomplish the President’s mission to deter war, and if necessary, defeat and destroy our enemies. Godspeed!


I don't know about you, but I'd say that's right on the money. No. More. Rainbow. Garbage. A young Sergeant's pretty pumped up about it.

Godspeed, Mr. Hegseth,


Get Rid Of Turtle


Kentucky, why do you allow a corrupt turtle to rule over you?

Yes, the very same turtle who voted against this:

And lost. Term limits, anyone? Or maybe Kentucky will rise up and eject the turtle from its traitorous, self-serving, establishment elite, anti-American, uniparty throne.



Friday, January 24, 2025



Perhaps some of you will remember or know this. I do.  

We may be irregular but we're steadfast with it.

DLC Forever,