Monday, May 20, 2024

What A Beautiful Evening


What a beautiful Texan  May evening in this small rural haven betwixt the Metrosprawl and Waco. Not too hot, not too cold, just right. A bit like California, perhaps, with the benefit of not being in California. 

Ah yes, how delightful, but of course this will change, as 6 digit temps come blasting through the ether like a troop of TOS 2s working out on the Unicorn Brigade in Chasov Yar. Terrifying.

Still, for now, all's well unlike, for example, worshiping attendance in the Church of England, being a member of Iran's top governance or living in Oakland, where they've got rid of traffic lights because homeless thieving.

In other news, Crypto's surging, with ETH leading the pack, and everyone's favorite token isn't doing badly either. Come on, DOGE, stop messing around and run. 

Speaking of which, more than a few bulls see exponential crypto growth between 2030-35.  That in mind, I'm diamond hands long and we'll see how this strategy plays out in the fullness of time. In the meanwhile, you might want to watch silver too, just in case you're not.



Sunday, May 19, 2024



Yes, there's one Supergroup and that's Blind Faith. If you argue against this you've already lost, so there it is. That said, Stevie Boy ducked right in there and played the Mass music for my dad. And I recall this, standing in his space ship recording studio in the Cotswolds. 

"You know," said the giga pop star, "I wish I was you, studying theology in London." I didn't get it, then, being a fool. It makes sense, now.


Pentecost 2024

Fifty days after the Passover, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples with great power and so began the mission of the Church.

St. Luke tells us in Acts that the Spirit filled the house where the disciples were gathered like a rushing wind, alighting on their heads as tongues of fire. Wind and fire, ancient mystical signs of the creative life giving power or energy of God and of his presence

Wind, think of the Spirit hovering over the waters of creation, breathing life into clay of Adam, animating Ezekiel's dry bones. Fire, from which God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and led Israel through the wilderness by night, fire which fell upon Horeb to the dismay of the heathen priests.

Wind and fire, the creative energy of God and the burning love of his presence, with this the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples at Pentecost with power. Lo and behold, but was the date of descent significant in itself? Surely yes.

The Jewish Feast of Pentecost was and is a celebration of two things, thanksgiving for the early harvest, and a celebration of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. The giving of the Law by God himself, signified by the fire which enveloped the summit of the mountain on which he stood, his presence proclaimed by a trumpet call blown by the the divine breath. Yet again, the wind and fire of the Spirit.

This Pentecost, the Pentecost of the Upper Room, is therefore a new Sinai, a new giving of the Law, the new Law of Divine Love, engraved this time upon the human heart instead of stone. Filled, then, with an ecstasy of Divine Love, the disciples proclaim the Good News of salvation in Christ, they begin to reap the harvest, the harvest of souls for eternal life. So, the ancient Feast is gloriously recapitulated and fulfilled. It is so miraculously.

Devout Jews from every nation, gathered together for the Feast, hear the universal language of the Gospel, each in their own tongue and with that the curse of Babel is lifted. As man blasphemously attempted to scale heaven, only to be struck down in confusion and discord, so now God descends to earth, uniting us to himself and to each other in the Word of Truth.

Yes indeed, a harvest, and we read that some 3000 souls were converted on that day, and it didn't stop there. The Apostles went on to the ends of the then known earth, bringing souls to salvation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Their successors, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and the faithful people of God do so today and this will continue to the close of the age. And let me tell you this.

Those who go against the Holy Spirit, against Truth Himself, will be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit. Then again, those who side with the Spirit will have life and truth and freedom and all that's good. 

Your Call,



And via Robin Ward:

Come, Thou holy Paraclete,
And from Thy celestial seat
Send Thy light and brilliancy:
Father of the poor, draw near;
Giver of all gifts, be here;
Come, the soul’s true radiancy.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

This One's For Wild


Sorry, Neil, but I remember playing Sweet Home at great volume from an upper story flat in Lamb's Conduit Street, London, of all places, in the '90's. 

Far-Sighted Readers Will Spot LSP Overwatch On The Fourth Floor

The people down below on the street liked it, a lot. But that was then, this is now. Turn it up.

Good call, Wild,


Warsaw Bans Crucifixes


Warsaw's radical leftist globohomo mayor RafaƂ Trzaskowski has banned crucifixes and religious symbols from public buildings and instructed government workers to use gender neutral language and preferred pronouns. This will, apparently, make Warsaw's civic governance less discrimnatory. Unless, of course, you're Christian.

In related news, NATO supremo Jens Rainbow Stoltenberg has told the world that our mighty military alliance exists to defend gayness.

Imagine all those new soldiers, sailors and air persyns flocking to fight for the Rainbow Alliance of Gayness. Thanks, Stoltenberg, for solving our recruitment crisis. And in response to the former skulduggery, the Green Pontif's predictably said nothing other than bad mouth traditional Catholics. Go figure.



Friday, May 17, 2024



Are you worried? A little bit future testy, sitting in your wretched little foxhole? If so, buck up and Don't Fear The Reaper, kids, unless maybe you should. Speaking of which, M, a seasoned session singer outta Minneapolis (?) told me back in the halcyon she was suffering from "catholic guilt." Huh.

"What, m'dear have you done wrong?" She laughed and we moved on from there into the wilds of Shoreditch and Columbia Road's flower market, , it was cool then. After that? Well, everyone went home to bed, obvs.





Uplifting and educational, don't you think? Here's some snappy suits, via Infidel:

yes, it was better then, and even that was really bad

Along with pop music, see above early CSNY video, what can we say, apart from attractively vintage suits speaking of the elegance of a bygone age?



Thursday, May 16, 2024



Yes, we do requests and this one's for Adrienne. Wow, steppin out:

You'll note, gentle readers, that in music as in so much else we've devolved.

Your Buddy,


Idea Energy Power


Dorothy Sayers was known for her crime novels, she was also a mystical theologian in the Anglican tradition of the Western Church, think, perhaps, Charles Williams. Here she is on Idea, Energy and Power:

WHEN THE writer’s Idea is revealed or incarnate by his Energy, then, and only then, can his Power work on the world.  More briefly and obviously, a book has no influence till somebody can read it. 

Before the Energy was revealed or incarnate it was, as we have seen, already present in Power within the creator’s mind, but now that Power is released for communication to other men, and returns from their minds to his with a new response.  It dwells in them and works upon them with creative energy, producing in them fresh manifestations of Power. 

This is the Power of the Word, and it is dangerous.  Every word—even every idle word—will be accounted for at the day of judgment, because the word itself has power to bring to judgment.  It is of the nature of the word to reveal itself and to incarnate itself—to assume material form.  Its judgment is therefore an intellectual, but also a material judgment.  The habit, very prevalent to-day, of dismissing words as “just words” takes no account of their power.  But once the Idea has entered into other minds, it will tend to reincarnate itself there with ever-increasing Energy and ever-increasing Power.  It may for some time only incarnate itself in more words, more books, more speeches; but the day comes when it incarnates itself in actions, and this is its day of judgment.  

At the time when these words are being written, we are witnessing a fearful judgment of blood, resulting from the incarnation in deeds of an Idea to which, when it was content with a verbal revelation, we paid singularly little heed.  Which Ideas are (morally) Good and which are anti-Good it is not the purpose of this book to discuss; what is now abundantly manifest is the Power.  Any Idea whose Energy manifests itself in a Pentecost of Power is good from its own point of view.  It shows itself to be a true act of creation, although, if it is an evil Idea, it will create to a large extent by active negation—that is to say, by destruction.  The fact, however, that “all activity is of God” means that no creative Idea can be wholly destructive: some creation will be produced together with the destruction; and it is the work of the creative mind to see that the destruction is redeemed by its creative elements. 


At the time when these words are being written, we are witnessing a fearful judgment of blood, resulting from the incarnation in deeds of an Idea to which, when it was content with a verbal revelation, we paid singularly little heed.  Which Ideas are (morally) Good and which are anti-Good it is not the purpose of this book to discuss; what is now abundantly manifest is the Power.

Draw the moral as you will and choose wisely, my dear friends.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Are These People Mentally Ill?


Are these people mentally ill, driven insane by Satan? 

Just asking,




Now that you've recovered from the Dead's remarkable Morning Dew, here's this, from Russia's new Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, via RWA:

By preserving the traditional values of the West, which are originally the values of Western Christian European civilization, Russia can become a guardian of these values. This may seem like a paradoxical idea, but it is nonetheless true. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that the West is our enemy.


Interesting, and I'm sympathetic. Here he is again:

The ideology of a multipolar world is that a self, something independent, must be developed. This self is not the persona, or the mask that we wear. It is the self that should be manifested in all countries with confidence. For countries that do not have sovereignty, it cannot be manifested by definition. 

We have no other choice for our country than to acquire or recreate this self. We have huge resources and a talented population, but the most important prerequisite is a strong culture. We have our own cultural code, which most countries and peoples lack. Dostoevsky, in his works such as The Writer's Diary, expressed this idea very well.



You may or may not agree with Andrey but can you imagine, say, Lloyd Austin or any one of our high ranking pols even mentioning Dostoevsky in a public statement, to say nothing of succinctly boosting Western Christian European civ? As you ponder this, reflect on our current Secretary of State rocking out in Kiev as Kharkov burns. 

I rest my case,