Friday, June 28, 2024



Cutlass drill. You may find this helpful: point, slash? Both, surely.

And if you're not doing your part to sink the NWO then what part are you playing? Point being, engage the sword, enemy onboard.

Your Old Pal,



Beans said...

To build up proper sword arm and off-arm strength (for holding onto lasses, spears, shields, a mug of rum..) check out an old school Indian Club manual and get some. Basically working your arm with rods weighted at the end. Same concept behind those weighted donuts you put on a baseball bat to build up your swing strength.

And... well... you can beat the snot out of someone with said Indian club. Or a baton, section of pipe, cutlass, broadsword, messer...

Ritchie said...

If on a budget, rebar drill. Wait, where are the sword twirling Russian girls?

RHT447 said...

I'm afraid I'll have to settle for a fixed bayonet.

LSP said...

Well it's right there, RHT, affixed to the weapon.

LSP said...

Ritchie, I'd almost forgotten!

LSP said...

Very good point, Beans. Be careful, though, with weights. I did one of my arms in a year or so back and recovery's been slow, if steady.

Vaguely on topic, football hooligans used to roll up a tabloid, say The Sun, fold it in half and there it is, a Millwall Brick.

LL said...

I don't own a cutlass, and I feel somehow vacant. Where do I buy a PROPER cutlass, LSP? I'll carry it around in the Raptor in place of the tomahawk.

Beans said...

LSP - you only need a weighted rod that's between 1 1/2 and 2 times your actual sword, roughly the same weight and center of weight similar.

Back in the day, I used a 10lb sledgehammer, held just above the head, and used at 1/2 speed or 1/4 speed to develop the muscle strength. Then do pell work on a tire pell (think bayonet dummy) for the speed.

Beans said...

LL - Cold Steele sells a pretty good cutlass for a reasonable price. I have friends who say CS is pretty good stuff.

LSP said...

I'm surprised, LL, that you don't own a cutlass. Check out the Armory on Snyder Plaza, Dallas. They'll hook you up.

Good selection of swords there AND Lugers. In fact, they may have cornered the market in the latter. Bins full of the things.

LSP said...

Beans, I obviously need to work out!

Mike_C said...

@LL: Kult of Athena sells all manner of replica weapons. Not just silly wall-hangers either. Stuff you can actually use. They carry many lines, including Cold Steel.

@Beans: I’ve heard CS is generally decent quality, but my friend (hobo writer and general thought criminal) James LaFond has a beef with the owner (at least at one time; dunno if that guy still owns the company). Something to do with plagiarism.

As to point or edge, here’s a chant from SM Stirling’s “Emberverse” MacKenzies:

We are the point, we are the edge!
We are the wolves that Hecate fed!

So both, I guess. (Though the MacKenzie are first and foremost archers.)