Showing posts with label what a gang of poofs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what a gang of poofs. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Beware The Rainbow Pony


We're supposed to go to war, not least against China, which we've outsourced all our industry to. And why? Because we have to defend Western Values. What are these? In the old days, they used to include freedom of the Press and Religion. 

You Sick Demoniacs

Now? Not so much, more like freedom to desecrate, blaspheme and mock every Christian virtue, see Paris and its satanic glitter rainbow trans Olympics. How degenerate and wicked.

what a vicious little beast!

The same parties who are paying for this deconstruction of Christian virtue are also baying for war. Go figure, their Father was a murderer from the beginning, but would you fight for that, put your life on the very line for this grotesesque mockery? 

Of course you wouldn't, no wonder the US Army faces a massive shortfall in recruits. So, why have the demons gone down this self-defeating path? Because, dear readers, they aren't rational. See Kamala Harris and her forerunner, Biden. And as always, beware the rainbow pony and its vicious thudding hooves.

Your Old Buddy,


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When Is Enough?


This sickens me. Here we are, on the very verge of going to war, and this is the garbage we're being called upon to die for. Let's be clear. Join up and die for gayness, abortion, drag acts and trans surgery.

What a total insult to the people who have already died for their country, who have given everything for what's right, good and true. What a total insult to all normal people, and to those patriots who put their lives on the line and continue to so. For God's sake, look at this, an Admiral, so-called, and try not to throw up in your mouth.

Go On, Die For This, Peasants

So I ask you Libs, are you prepared to lay down your lives for the Rainbow? Are you? Or are you too busy reading the New York Times and sipping foaming coffee as you click for war. Are you a pathetic hypocritical sham?

Or are you true believers who will die and fight for what you believe in. No, I don't see you lining up at the Recruiters' office, you hypocritical, venal, lying, privileged, overeducated beyond your competence dupe shills of the NWO. 

Still, you voted for it and maybe you need to join it, in a Blackrock funded trench in the Ukraine. Perhaps you'll be forced to when conscription kicks in. Go on, do it, sign up early so that Fortress Europa can be the rainbow-hued garden it was always meant to be.

In the meanwhile, apologies to all SEALS and associated warriors. Someone please sort this out, it's getting really stupid.

Rant over,