Showing posts with label the peoples currency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the peoples currency. Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2021



Dogs are barking ferociously here, it's a right ruckus.

The Peoples Coin and it's an adorable Shiba Inu to boot

They celebrate the People's Currency

Hedge Fund

Which ran hard today. Good pup.

See you on the Moon and/or the Detroit Caddy

Where will it end, $28, $69, $420? Hey, I'd settle for a buck and call it a good game well played. But in the meanwhile we hold, diamond hands, in for the long haul. That in mind, let's see everyone's favorite internet magic meme token explode in value as trad fiat implodes in catastrophic Gotterdamerung.

Now there's a warning for us all.

Do only good every day,


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

RIP Mr. McAfee


The infamous, yacht sailing, run from the Feds, multimillionaire tech libertarian is dead, suicided today in a Spanish prison cell following a court approving his extradition to the US for tax fraud. 

Did McAfee kill himself en lieu of spending the rest of his life in solitary supermax? Or did someone reach out and end him, Epstein style? Who knows, but the onetime tech mogul is famously on record saying he would kill himself. He even got a tattoo to prove it:

So what's the deal. Did McAfee owe too much cash to the wrong people or did he have damning evidence that'd come out in a US trial, "discovery," or both? For that matter, who else is involved, the Epstein Island flight list, the Clintons themselves? Surely not our intel agencies, that'd be unthinkable.

Hey, I don't know, being a humble serf of the New World Order, but isn't this the second suicide in so many months? Maybe you remember the guy who reported on Loretta Lynch's  meeting with Kill Clinton on the tarmac. Oops. Time to die. Go against our beneficent Millionaire Socialist rulers at your peril. 

Such Utter Racism

As we ponder this timely message, spare a thought and a prayer for John McAfee. OK, he helped author an annoying software program but made up for it by sailing around the world,  and defying it and its masters. 

I like that. He boosted the Peoples Currency too, and I like that as well.

God bless,


Friday, May 14, 2021

A Sign


There, right there in front of me was a sign. What did it mean, was it good or bad? The TLA (Three Letter Acronym) was obviously good, but what about the numerics? Good question, and I offered one up to the Archangel, defende nos, as I drove to Made-in-China-Mart.

Where, lo and behold, was yet another valu-pak of 12 gauge for the bizarrely low cost of twenty bucks. Buy. And hold. Here's another sign.

In related news, the Peoples Currency bounded up from its recent clubbing and's fighting in the .50s. Not shabby by anyone's standards, but let's see a breakout to the swinging .60s and beyond.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Cinco de Mayo


Don't Say Devolved

We forget, perhaps, that the French were beaten by Mexicans in the last century at Puebla. Take that, so-called Napoleon III. Here at the compound we're celebrating this great victory with some tasty grilled chicken and a glass or two of white wine. 

Random Children's Book

On the other hand, Eduardo and Maria, who run a chicken operation next to the manse, aren't doing anything at all. I'm told this is typical but who knows, perhaps they're at a Tecate fest elsewhere. Power to 'em, they're good neighbors and bring me eggs.

A Shiba

In other news, the Peoples Currency went white hot yesterday, smashing through ill-prepared Bonapartite resistance at fifty cents and then surging victoriously into sixty before testing an all time high at .70. Good work, pup, this lambo's not going to buy itself!

Dog-faced crypto aside, if you want some fascinating info on narco subs check out Virtual Mirage. Value.

God bless,


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Big Crypto Clubbed Small Dog Barks Loud


Big Crypto, aka BTC and ETH took a clubbing last night, but not so much $DOGE, the world's popular and affordable electronic currency. That's only rising, and then some. Here's Zero on the reason for the furry little fella soaring into orbit:


But, while the major coins are suffering, the retail-frenzied 'GameStop effect' now seems to be spilling over to digital assets like Dogecoin and Ripple through r/Wallstreetbets’ crypto wing, r/Satoshistreetbets. Jay Hao, CEO of crypto exchange OKEx, told Cointelegraph that there is a deeper cause driving this current phenomenon:

“There is a great sense of injustice about some of the opaque practices of Wall Street and the unfair distribution of wealth. I believe that more and more of society is beginning to wake up to this fact particularly with the K-shape recovery that we are seeing in which high-net-worth individuals have increased their wealth during the pandemic. With more platforms allowing retail investors direct access to invest in equities, we are seeing a democratization of the investment space and more power in the hands of the people.”

Ben Zhou, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Bybit, told Cointelegraph:

“The recent feats of r/wallstreetbets have made social media and Reddit users realize how powerful a force a decentralized online community can be when they put their mind to it. The ongoing legal troubles of XRP’s parent company Ripple Labs have rinsed out much of the shorts and made the gambit easier to execute, while the jocular nature of DOGE means it’s likable and easy to root for — thus in both cases there was not an immediate selling power to counter the pump.”

And combined with Elon Musk's recent "meme"-ing efforts, that has sent DogeCoin ripping higher...

Higher? Better believe it, with $DOGE hedgefighting against sell resistance in the .070s. My prediction, not that it's worth anything because I'm not a financial advisor and lost all my guns in a boating accident, is that this puppy's set  to run and play. It's left the runway and starting to fly. Moving on?

Buy dips, hold. Don't sell. That's the spirit of the age.

Your Friend,