Showing posts with label piers morgan criminal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piers morgan criminal. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Gun Control

Some say that taking away the right of citizens to defend themselves is a hallmark of tyranny. Don't worry, the government will look after you! Just like they did the Indians. 

There were 760,000 "defensive gun uses" in the U.S. last year.

Speaking of which, whatever happened to NWO shill, Piers Morgan?

Shoot straight,


Sunday, February 23, 2014

You're Fired.


Tanking TV host, Piers Morgan, has been fired. Not before time. Team LSP thanks all its supporters for their part in our successful campaign to remove this New World Order, Illuminati shill, willing Bilderberger dupe from his hugely unpopular, ratings-dismal CNN soapbox.


But the fight is not over. He must be sent back to England. To answer for his many crimes.


We will not rest. Neither, hopefully, will the CPS.

Justice must and will be done.