Showing posts with label liar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liar. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2023

Black Mischief


Do you remember Juicy, the improbably named Jussie Smollet who claimed he was attacked by deranged MAGA supporters in Chicago a few years back? Sure you do, Juicy was innocently wandering around the Windy City when two MAGA thugs tipped up, noosed him and poured bleach over the innocent POC's skin.

How hideous and such racism, except that the MAGA lynchers were in fact Juicy's Nigerian personal trainers. Fast forward to today and Juicy's lost an appeals court hearing and will have to return to gaol to serve the rest of incredibly light 150 day sentence.

At Juice's initial hearing, Cook County Circuit Court Judge James Linn lambasted the race hoaxer: "You’re just a charlatan pretending to be a victim of a hate crime. Your very name has become an adverb for ‘lying.’"

Smollett used to be an actor in some show no one's ever heard of and what can we say, America's so incredibly racist you have to make it up.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Crooks Liars Thieves And A Saint


Is this too harsh? Via The Federalist:

The whole-of-government approach to failure in a 20-year, $2 trillion fraud and money-laundering scheme has resulted in an epiphany for Americans: their country is ruled by crooks, liars, and thieves.

The abysmal failure of America’s once-vaunted and widely respected military to even face the truth of its own incompetence heaps salt on the wounds of this epiphany. What country leaves thousands of its own citizens behind enemy lines to fend for themselves, with nothing more than an apathetic shrug of its shoulders? A country ruled by arrogant fools looking to line their own pocketbooks and who care little or nothing for the citizens that are their nation’s raison d’ĂȘtre, that’s who.


The damning scribe continues:

The military, the intelligence community, academia, journalism—the list of institutions plagued by moral bankruptcy and Baghdad Bob-level f-ckery goes on and on and on. Few Americans have confidence in America. Pile on a huge helping of COVID-19 hysteria, lockdowns, mounting shortages in housing and basic consumer goods, a quickly growing income gap between society’s poor and wealthy, and all-around lies and gaslighting—America is in trouble.

Like with the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, our defeat there has exposed the nation’s failed leadership busy looting and wrecking what is left of our country. We can now see that we are led by the worst of humanity—a collection of garbage elites, tyrants, and political grifters. Like the Soviets before us, there are two only two classes in modern America: the ruling class, and everyone else.


Solution? Time to clean house. Good luck with that, perhaps at the ballot box. Sorry, just kidding. In marked contrast to the epic chicanery of our rulers, today's the Feast of St. Louis, 12th c King of France. He was famous for his holiness of life:

He was renowned for his charity. The peace and blessings of the realm come to us through the poor he would say. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their feet, ministered to the wants of the lepers, and daily fed over one hundred poor. 


Louis was also a warrior, a knight, as opposed to a grifting, lying, thieving, corrupt, cowardly mountebank.



Friday, March 25, 2016


Shocking photographic evidence has emerged that Hillary Clinton is a Reptilian.

Hillary Clinton's Eye

Photos clearly show Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, with yellow irises, long, slitted pupils and green-hued skin, all primary Reptilian characteristics.

Close Up of Hillary's Eye

Paranormal experts believe that reptilians are interdimensional beings who "inhabit" or take over a human body, either through compatible DNA or through the host body's "negativity."

Artist's Impression of a Reptilian

"People who live in a state of negativity, fear, anger, violence, aggression," stated one Reptilian observer, "are creating an energy within their body that is compatible with the reptilian energy (which is based on many of these traits) Just as humans draw to them other people who have similar energy to theirs other Beings do also [Sic]."

When candidate Clinton was taken over by a reptoid entity is unclear, although evidence points to some time in the 1970s.

Yoko Ono was unavailable for comment.