Showing posts with label called to the Vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label called to the Vatican. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024



For many years so-called "Archbishop" Vigano has been peddling hate against our Beloved Rulers in Rome, the WEF and beyond. He's had the sheer brazen temerity to suggest the Swiss Guard arrest our saintly Red Pope and his his rainbow associates. Yep, and far, far more, but up 'til now this scoundrel hasn't been brought to heel.

You'll be pleased to know the situation is finally being brought under control. Vigano's been summoned to the Vatican to explain his malfeasance. Will he be excommunicated? Who knows, that remains to be seen, but at last steps are being taken to rein THIS VILLIAN in.

In other news, DLC COMMAND is running for Senate. Here, have a look:

That is all,


PS. Except that it isn't. Some years ago I wrote an editorial blasting corrupt BLM Marxists and praising Vigano, who saw through such nonsense most clearly. My copyeditor/proofer came back in a FURY. "Who is this Vigano! Are you a racist?" I resisted the urge to tell him that I was a realist, not a racist, and that, as a self-proclaimed orthodox Anglo-Catholic, "Why are you supporting the party of trans rainbow abortion satanic atheism?" I held fire. Good luck, Vigano, I reckon you're the real deal.