Showing posts with label black terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black terrorist. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Just Get Out And Shoot

Just a typical Texan range scene at a pal's ranch.  30 meters and have at it with assorted weaponry, .45s in this case. And what big fun, just you, the guns and the country under the big sky of the Lone Star State. Freedom.

Accuracy? Center mass on. Enjoyment? X Ring. Which means, as I survey this photo and others like it, shoot more, more often. Kudos btw to TC, who shot well on the day, a few years ago, and later moved to Ireland. He shoots well there too, favoring, I think, a German SxS. Nice.

Message to market, get out there in the country and shoot. Good for mind, body and soul.



Monday, November 22, 2021

Just Another Day in Wisconsin



Wow. There you are. In your SUV. In Wisconsin. And you look at all these people with hatred, there they are, having a Christmas parade and there you are in your car, whipped up on hatred, insanity and God knows what else. So you drive your car into that parade and kill as many as you can.

What, five persons killed and how many injured, including children. This is sickening to me, and to all right thinking people. But the reaction of the Left is worse, it's demonic, those people deserved it because they're white, it's karma for Kyle's acquittal.

You, a child in a stroller or a "dancing granny" deserve to get plowed up and killed by a lunatic blacktivist on account of the color of your skin. At a Christmas parade. Dear God. If you can't see Satan in this you're blind.


In the meanwhile, what next. 18 year olds with ARs protecting Christmas pageantry? Exclusion zones for POCs, let the reader understand, street battles, rooftop action? 

We know how that works out, the 13% don't win. And such is the tragedy, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect. But here we have to wonder, perhaps nihilism is the telos.

In the meanwhile, imagine the reaction if the killer as white. Picture the systemic, shrieking fury. See too, in the camera of your mind, the devils inexorably drawn to their torment in the lake of fire. 

Ad Fidem.