Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

Buffoonery Incompetence And Lies


Buffoonery, incompetence and lies. Welcome, dear readers, all three of you, to the State of the Union. Where will we go from here?

Perhaps we can vote our way out of it.

And maybe you'll buy a bridge to Alaska.

Or anywhere else on CONUS.

In the meanwhile, you may have noticed the West isn't reproducing, demographics are drastically down. Solution? Import millions of third worlders who'll vote, as if by LGBTQ+2 magicke for you. Or will they? Good question.

Last I heard, Moslems weren't too keen on gayistry, and South Americans? What can we say, Pinochet was notoriously left tolerant.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Go Green


How awesome it is to go green and save the planet! said every infantile 16 year old girl ever. But hey, good call, here's an infographic:

go green serfs

Europe deindustrializes? Hurray! Yes, back to the plow and the furrow. And how ya gonna heat your house? By chopping wood? How very heimat. But it's worth it because Ukraine. Don't get me wrong, by all means go back to hunter gather status but if you do don't complain when the Russkies and ChiComs rule.

shocking bad taste

Whatever. Curry here at the Compound while we still have electricity, light and meat, chicken. Then we'll go green, just like all those other seaside millionaires on Martha's Vinyard.

Your Eco Friend,


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I'm Covid Confused


Would That be a Carbon Spewing Private  Charter Jet?

I'm confused, Covid confused. We've been bombarded, especially by Democrats, with a barrage of wearing masks is very important because it protects us and others from the deadly Bat Bug. In fact, it's so important that it's federally mandated for air travel. 

Wear a mask or die or kill your loved one, runs the compelling line. Same with getting vaxxed. Get that salvation vax or you'll get the Kung Flu and die, you might even kill someone else in the process. It's like a civic duty.

If Only

That in mind, why did a crew of Democrats fly from Texas to DC without masks and why have six(?) of them, despite being fully vaxxed, come down with the China Virus? That doesn't make any sense, do you see my confusion? 

I don't men to be obtuse, but if masks were important, as the Democrat Mile High Club insists they are, how come they aren't all masked up? Strange, right. And if the all important vax works, how come vaxxed people, see Israel and Democrat jetsetters et al, get the deadly disease despite burning incense on the altar of Big Pharma?


It's strange, isn't it. Let's rephrase the conundrum with a riddle. If anthropocentric climate change is so deadly as to melt ice caps and flood the coastal regions of fragile planet earth, why are the champions of the green crusade buying seafront mansions.

Appalling Bad Taste

Could it be that our elite transnational overlords know something we can only guess at? Don't say Soylent Green. In the meanwhile, mask up, vax up, and OBEY.

Your Old Friend,


Friday, July 16, 2021

Behold Your Rulers -- Ice Cream Edition


Our millionaire socialist rulers love ice cream, it's just so tasty. Mmmmmm.

Look, here's another one.


Your Best pal,


Friday, June 25, 2021

This And That


What's it like in Texas, apart from being like a preheating oven. Answer? It's good. Big sky, trucks, guns and all of that. Also, you get to free-range and shoot with friends on their land. It's just better than the other thing, especially when it's as well set up as JF's range.

That in mind, I drove down the road to the 200 yard line, a bit late to the party, and found young T shooting .17 HMR at a swinging gong in moderately gusting wind. The kid did well, typically scoring at 3 o'clock right at the edge of the bull. "Hold a bit further to your left at 9 '0 clock, young 'un." And he did. Boom. Dead on.

Typical Texan Truck Scene

So that was fun. I mostly spent the time spotting or going for head shots on "Jihad," a large steel silhouette, and blasting away at 25 yards with a Ruger .22 match pistol, complete with red dot. I tell you, watch that dot weave, duck and dive like a drunken man. Hmmmm. Maybe some remedial pistol practice is in order.

In other news, you'll note that America has two main enemies. Viz. The Weather, obviously, and White Supremacy. Such heinous threats, and you know what it's like. There you are, walking down the aisle of your local Walmart when Klansmen surround you. That's right, the Klan itself, and you gasp in dismay at the news of your beachfront home in Martha's Vineyard sinking beneath the waves of glacial meltdown.

Just a Couple of Millionaire Socialist Frauds

Such a threat. That's why the Klan set US cities alight last summer.  Remember Lafayette Square, Baltimore, Portland, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Chicago, New York and on. All that looting, burning and mayhem? Sure you do, and all of it caused by The Weather and extremely dangerous white supremacists.

A Typical Chimp-Out

Said no one ever, apart from our Millionaire Socialist overlords and their willing dupe-shill, NYT reading, Berkley educated, snerk, puppets. What will these clowns do when the revolution turns around and there they are, living on tofu, old New Yorker covers, wearing  a mask and not allowed to leave the country?

Oh, we're already there.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Sign

Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. So here's a visual aid for Morning Prayer.

Out demons, out!


Saturday, May 9, 2020

So What Next?

The states are starting to open up again as we discover the Chinese Plague bioweapon's not going to kill everyone. Thank God. So, what next? Don't forget, readers, anything could happen in the next few months and let's hope it's not a shooting war in the South China Sea.

In the meanwhile, the former head of the CIA, Commie, Islamist John Brennan is getting poetic on social media, and the Magic 0's making panic calls to try and keep Ukraine quiet. 

Some argue space aliens live amongst us.

Ad Astra,


Monday, October 28, 2019

Courageous War Dog Returns to Duty

Here at the Compound we're pleased to announce that the brave K-9 warrior who was injured in Operation Kayla Mueller, which killed ISIS leader Al Baghdadi, has returned to active duty.

The courageous dog chased the brutal, rapist, torturing, slaver Moslem terrorist down a dead-end tunnel, where the "austere scholar" detonated a suicide vest killing himself and three of his children.

Though hurt, the heroic K-9 made a speedy recovery and is now on the lookout for further action.  The dog's name hasn't been revealed for security reasons but you may recall Cairo, who was part of the team which killed Saudi Arabian terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

Cairo had to be muzzled when he met with Barak Hussein Obama, I'll leave you to ask the reason why. But as we ponder this, well done that dog! Our Commander-in-Chief has described the canine hero as, "A beautiful dog – a talented dog.”

Feel free to disagree and I'll set the Fighting Monkey on you.


Saturday, August 31, 2019

US Navy Ends War On Weather

Was the last post a bit depressing? Well try this. The US Navy's ended its War on Weather by disbanding the Obama initiated Climate Change Task Force. What? You didn't know the US Navy had been tasked with fighting the weather? Think again.

Thanks to the annointed God King Messiah Obama, the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen was told to fight our ancient enemy, the Weather. 

So important for fighting ships to be on hand as glaciers melt, coastlines flood, and millionaire socialists everywhere resort to high ground. Yes, the high ground of their private islands. Except the Obamas, architects of the climatic naval strategy.

They've invested 15 million socialist dollars in prime Martha's Vineyard seafront property. Counting on the Navy to save them? Fond imagining. As the waters rise, look in vain for Littoral Combat Ships to come to the rescue. Or, if the pundits have it right, anyone else.

In other news, the Navy's allowing people who don't identify as trans to enlist. Such fascists.

Senior Service Go Navy,


Friday, August 23, 2019

#MillSoc Mountebanks

Millionaire socialists Barack and Michelle Obama, estimated net worth $135 million, loved their seaside summer rental so much they decided to buy it, for less than $14.85 million. 

That's right, this socialist paradise of a summer house, featuring seven guest rooms, servants quarters and so much more, costs less than $15 million. And it's a prime oceanfront property.

But wasn't global warming going to raise sea levels, flooding out the coasts? Wow, that's really serious, like War on Weather serious, which is why Barack said this in his 2015 State of the Union address, "No challenge – no challenge – poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."

Yeah, that's why you bought a mansion on the Atlantic coast, you #MillSoc mountebank. But hey, at least it cost less than $15 million so when the waves wash it all away, not so bad. Plenty more cash where that came from, and we have to wonder. 

"There’s only so big a house you can have,” said Barack to South Africa,  “There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.” Quite.

Leaving aside egregious #MillSoc hypocrisy, are the Obamas corrupt, ignorant, deluded, living-in-a-bubble liars, or all that together? Have they reached Marie Antionette (RIP) levels of hubris? Your call. 

And their multi-million dollar house is common.



Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stand Off Sunday

It was a good morning at the Missions, no doubt about it, not a liturgical dancer in sight, no one calling the Holy Spirit "she," not one single priestess for miles around. I know this shocks you, but how very awesome and we returned to the Compound in high spirits, only to find a stand-off.

That's right, a stand-off between Blue Territorial and a Cat. The Cat was taking it easy, relaxing in the shade of the porch, and this fascinated the ferocious dog. He wanted to get at the Cat but couldn't, because of a leash. 

So he settled down and stared at the invader, who didn't seem to care in the slightest. You know dogs, maybe if I look at it long enough I'll get it, but he didn't and that seemed exciting to him. He sat and stared, got up and grinned, tried to speak to the Cat and failed, not having vocal cords, and sat back down again to stare at the kitty.

Who got bored of the performance when the sun hit her perch and ran off, leaving Blue Destitute devoid of cat company. And that was that. I enjoy having animals around and who knows, perhaps the Cat will be back. She can stay on the porch and no further.

In other exciting news, President Trump's been busy making peace with the Norks, much to the disgust of the warmongering Left. How did that happen? Do you remember how the Left used to be all about peace? But now they're all about war, Russia, Korea, Iran, you name it, let's bomb it.

Not dissimilar, when you think about it, to Obama who was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for keeping America in a state of constant war. Not that he was a mindless drone of the New World Order hivemind or anything like that.



Sunday, November 18, 2018


Apoclypse, that was today's Gospel from Mark 13, the famous mini apocalypse or condensed version of the final wrap we see in the Revelation to St. John the Divine. It's powerful.

Wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes and famine, persecution mounting to a crescendo in the great tribulation, the abomination of desolation in the Temple. 

Antichrist with supernatural, diabolic power to deceive the very elect, the light of the sun and moon darkened and at the climax of the battle, the Son of Man returning as He left, in clouds of glory; all within "this generation." And we have to ask, has any of this been fulfilled and will it be? The answer is yes, and yes.

Jerusalem and its temple were utterly destroyed by Titus and Vespasian in 70 AD, within the generation of Christ's prophecy. And what are the crown of thorns, scourging, mocking, betrayal and crucifixion but the desecration of the temple of Christ's body?

The ultimate sacrilege, Daniel's abomination of desolation waged against the Messiah who rose from the dead to lead His elect through tribulation to the restoration of Israel in His Mystical Body, the Church.

So yes, the prophecy has been fulfilled, partially, but this points towards a greater fulfillment. The sack of Jerusalem and Christ's Passion are moments or gears in the apocalyptic clock which was set in motion at the moment of the Incarnation.

A clock that's racing to its end in the final battle, the apex of the conflict between good and evil. We know the result, victory's assured, but beware the Dragon as its chains are unloosed and the Church, like ore in the fire, is refined to precious metal through tribulation.

Watch, pray and stand fast against the rising tide of evil which would destroy all that's good, true and holy. 

Sermon over, as you were,


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year MAGA!

Here it is, New Years and it's only natural to count the blessings of the past year, such as criminal Hillary not being the President. Check out this video, thanks to Adrienne, and see if you agree.

Watch to the end and notice the irenic tone of the infovid; resist the temptation to "school" our loser Hillaryite friends and "heal" instead.

Perhaps this famous Trump election night anthem will help the process as we move into 2018.

Dance on and death to the Illuminati NWO elite.

Happy New Year!



Tuesday, October 10, 2017


my agent and God–Harvey Weinstein. Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep's come out against the now infamous producer, Harvey Weinstein, along with all the other millionaire socialist celebrities that were, apparently, unaware of their god's alleged decades long abuse of women.

Weinstein, it appears, was no stranger to "pay to play," so perhaps it's no accident that the mega rich leftist was a major fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's doomed '16 bid for presidential power, to say nothing of bundling some $650k for Obama.

The Handler

No surprise, then, that failed Candidate Clinton liked Weinstein a lot and took five whole days after the Weinstein sex abuse scandal broke to speak out against the reported sexual predator. You can't blame her; after all, Weinstein doesn't make Hillary look good.

There she is, Candidate Clinton, the great champion of women's rights, who just happens to be funded by an accused serial woman abuser. 

The Bundler

Let's face it, Trump's infamous "grab 'em" comment pales into insignificance compared to the godlike behavior of Weinstein. And finally - after how many years? - all the MillSoc (millionaire socialist) Hollywood celebrities are emerging from their mansions to denounce their former deity. Apart from George Clooney, who was evidently clueless. But here's the thing.

Nice Tulle, Nasty Weinstein

Will Linda Sarsour, Madonna, Chelsea Handler and Katy Perry lead a march through DC to protest top Democrats profiteering from a woman abuser? Don't say hypocrite as you hold your breath.

As of today, the Clinton Foundation hasn't returned Weinstein's cash. Neither, for that matter, have the Obamas. And that's good old MillSoc for you, readers.

The Hypocrite

Question, was Weinstein a "lone wolf" or did he operate in a pack, as part of a corrupt, degenerate, evil, globalist MillSoc pack? As in "Hollywood culture"?

You be the judge,