Showing posts with label NATO wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NATO wave. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

War Call


Do you remember our proxy war in Ukraine, in which NATO pits its wits, logistics and manpower against Russia? Sure you do. That said, how's it working out for us? Good question.

The Russkies wren't the force we (I) were expecting, and the Ukrainians were and are a testament to NATO leadership. As LL put it, the Russkies should've cut through them like a "knife through butter." And they didn't.

That said, UKR's fabled counteroffensive fizzled miserably last year and it seems the Russians are learning; off they go, capturing towns and villages on the Kharkov front. What does this mean? I'll go out on a limb and call a significant Russkie breakthrough, with UKR lacking men and material to plug the gap. You see, as they rush reserves to Kharkov what have they got in Dontesk. Not so very much.

Of course this dismal state of affairs could be reversed if we went all-in and mobilized for war, Russia wouldn't stand a chance against the whole world, minus China, Iran, India, North Korea, maybe Turkey, Brazil et al.  So, with the BRICS equation in mind, it'd be a close run thing. And then there's Europe.

The once vaunted UK can field a single, yes, one, and this is pathetic, all arms division. What about France? They can't even control their few remaining island colonies. Then there's Germany, that massive fighting force. Spain, Portugal  and Ireland aren't even worth mentioning. So, if it wanted, a battle group/brigade could invade Gay Garden Europa and win? Heck, why not, what would stop it.

But maybe Poland will save us. And that's just it, stop dreaming. NATO is America and when that stops, as it must one day do, what then?

Your Call,