Showing posts with label Morrissey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morrissey. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

Do You Remember Punk Rock?

What! That's not Punk Rock! Apologies to Lemmy (RIP) and Hawkwind, but do you remember Punk Rock? I do and I didn't like it at the time, with notable exceptions, like the Stranglers. Whatever, Punk Kingpin impresario Johnny Rotten's come out again in favor of Trump.

Joe Biden is, in all practicality, senile, and delinquently senile. My wife has Alzheimer’s — I know the symptoms,” Lydon said in the BBC interview.


Who knew Phil Lydon aka Johnny Rotten had such wisdom? He joins erstwhile leftist pop icon Morrissey, who loves Trump and hates open borders and NWO oppression. 

To be honest, I always scorned the appalling "Smiths." You'd go by some student's room humming Urban Guerilla like a good 'un, and there was a kid lying on his bed with a hand over his his eyes, listening to Meat is Murder. Pathetic.

Well said Mr. Rotten, and previously despised Morrissey. Let's see 45 become 46.

Rock on,