Showing posts with label London Bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London Bridge. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Mild London Bridge Response

When will the UK and the rest of Western Europe wake up to Moslem threat their ruling elites have imported into their countries for votes and cheap labor? Maybe some people have woken up and aren't prepared to sit down, roll over, and take it.

Who knows, maybe they'll take the fight to the enemy, like a Massive Attack. Then, oh my, watch the Hackney lesbian theater collective duck and cover. Point being, there's a scrap coming.

In the meanwhile the Met, London's police force, go by a rainbow twitter handle cuz, you know, Jihadis run from a rainbow. 



Take Out The Terr With A Narwhal Tusk And Brexit

Some things are all too predictable, others aren't. For example, if you're Cambridge University and you invite an early release,  tagged convict, bomb plot Moslem terrorist to your criminal rehab seminar, don't be surprised if he goes full Jihad and starts killing people on London Bridge. So predictable.


That a Polish cook will react to the cultural enrichment by pulling a 5' Narwhal tusk off the wall and go after the frenzied knife-wielding savage is less obvious. Not the sort of outcome you'd, say, wager the fighting monkey on. And this brings us to Brexit.


If and when the UK's ruling elite see fit to deliver Brexit and respect the votes of over 17 million people, to say nothing of national sovereignty, should Poles get an exemption? 

Judging from London Bridge, I'd argue for a bipartite pact between the Sceptered Isle and the descendants of Jan Sobieski.

Well done, Luckasz.

Aloha Snackbar,