Showing posts with label Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Who Were These Men?


Who were the men who built the mighty British Empire? Were they effete, tofu gorging, soy swilling, self-apologizing, climate aggrandizing soi bois? Were they puberty blocking trans Rainbow Warriors? No, they were not. Here's IKB:

You'll note he had a knighthood, in contradistinction to Paul McCartney, give that man a K. My, how that worm's turned. Then there's Gladstone, the Great Statesman. Look at his face and ask, "Would he have been in favour of trans marriages, for a second."

No, of course not. Point being, who were these men? Giants.

Arduus Ad Solem,