Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017


It's 9/11 and the flags are flying in this small Texan farming community. Of course they're always flying at the Compound but on special occasions extra flags go out, courtesy of the Town and our local militias. I like that, it seems right.

It's right, too, to remember the Saudi Arabian driven attack on the US and the subsequent never-ending war that's followed, a war in which we're seemingly incapable of naming our enemy. Would that be because we're allied to the Mecca-based opposition? Perhaps.

Shortly after the attack I was in London, in a pub, oddly enough. I was all for America unleashing on Saddam and full of righteous retribution. But a friend countered, suggesting that it might be a better solution to attack Saudi Arabia and arm the Kurds. With hindsight, good call.

Speaking of foreign policy, let's not forget Hillary. Yes, the same deceitful, spiritually dead harridan who blamed the deaths of Benghazi on a video and fell into a drunken, violent rage when she lost the election and the power she craved; what of her? Why, the answer's easy.



Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hillary's Famous Win

Perhaps it seems as though there's a lot of serious business going on right about now. Like nuke war with the Norks, Wolf Blitzer's sorry resemblance to a Furbie and whatever else.

So take a load off, pour a glass of the right stuff and remember, Hillary was going to win.



Friday, August 11, 2017

The Transhuman Revolution

Scientists and the military are collaborating with futurists and venture capitalists to create a new breed of human, superhumans that transcend our current state through biotechnological augmentation. Science fiction, or science fact?

Science Fiction?

Sources deep within DAARPA have revealed that transhumans are a reality and living among us. However, what some welcome as the next stage in human evolution is still in the early stages of development.


Initial transhuman experiments have shown that chimeras are prone to sociopathic ambition and startling reality cognition dissonance; they lie, constantly, and are typically prone to fits of murderous rage to achieve personal advantage.

A Typical Transhuman Experiment

Others display disturbingly narcissistic behavioral traits while some experiments show an inability to control themselves or think rationally.

New World Order

Will the ongoing attempt to create a new humanity move past these failures into a utopian future of higher humanity, a future defined by a DNA enhanced, germline superclass? A new world order, overseen by gene-spliced supersoldiers?

You, the reader, be the judge,


Friday, March 3, 2017

The Russians Did it!!

I thought it had maybe run its course and the bizarre the Russians did it! narrative was finally coming to an end, if only through inertia. Hillary lost the election because the Russians stole it could only run for so long, with so little proof, before it became so obviously stupid that it had to retire.

Then BOOM. It seems that General Flynn had the traitorous temerity to talk with a Russian Ambassador. Oh. My. God. He had to resign. And now it's Attorney General Sessions, who also talked with the Russian Ambassador. What? Top US Government officials are actually talking with the Russian Ambassador?!? They're obviously traitors.

Yes, Russian agent traitors who wrecked our democratic process by stealing, that's right, stealing, the presidency from its rightful owner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If it wasn't for them, their fellow travellers and their Kremlin puppet masters, Hillary would now have what's rightfully hers. She would be PRESIDENT. 

That's the subcurrent of subthought running beneath the hysterical Democrat Russian witch hunt. Leaving aside the irony of the party of unicorns, peace signs and gender fluids beating the anti-Russian war drum, ponder this.

Why aren't the same Press and Party that are whipping up a Cold War frenzy investigating Hillary's ties with Russia? You know, that awkward Uranium One/Rosatom deal which gave Russia control over 20% of US uranium.

It seems the Democrats and their MSM propaganda arm have two standards when it comes to Russia. One for Hillary and another for Trump and the team who beat her, and did they win because evil masterminds in the Kremlin rigged our election?

No. They won because people voted for Trump instead of the worst, most corrupt, scandal ridden candidate the Democrats could find.

Hubris may well have stolen the election from Hillary Rodham Clinton, but it sure wasn't Russia. Time to face reality, Democrats, and move on. You lost. 

Get over it.


Friday, November 4, 2016

The Magic Island

Imagine this island, owned by a really rich guy, where millionaires go to have their "needs serviced" by underage sex-slaves. They fly there on a special plane, the "Lolita Express" and get to indulge their deranged lust in a frenzy of orgiastic luxury. That sounds ridiculous, right? The stuff of cheap novels. Except that it's not.

Jeffrey Epstein invited the rich and famous to his sex-slave island with a kind of devil-may-care profligate abandon and was sent to jail for his crimes. Bill Clinton was a favorite aboard the Lolita Express, go figure, and chalked up an impressive 22 flights on the orgy plane. Hillary went, too, but maybe it wasn't really her thing, she only flew the Lolita 6 times.

Maybe you think this is absurd, ridiculous mudslinging and the product of a fevered imagination. You know, like emails that show Democrat Supremo, John Podesta, taking part in Satanic ritual magicke.

Go right ahead and think that but remember, it's all a larf until you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your inner thigh. Or ruling your country.

These people need to go.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Vote For The Dog!

No! Not Hillary "Wild Dog" Clinton, I'm talking about another candidate altogether.

Blue Ballot Box the Unbribable. He's running on a popular "steaks for all" platform. 

I like that.

God bless,


Friday, October 21, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton An Android?

Why doesn't presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, sweat? Why do her eyes operate independently of one another? Why does her speech sound fabricated, somehow false and inhuman, and why does she appear strangely unsexed? Is it because "she" is, in fact, an "it," an android artificial intelligence?

Robot Eyes

According to a well placed source in the Intelligence Community, Hillary, or "Hillbot" as it's called by its handlers, is in reality a DAARPA manufactured android:

The Witch Mk II is good for what it is, but it's DAARPA 2gen tech (second generation technology). Sure, it can look good and even sound pretty human, then it starts to go awry. Its hands tremble, it falls over, its eyes don't focus and it gets locked into this creepy grin. Sometimes it swears uncontrollably. It's cold-fish-frigid, we call it 'Hillbot.'

The malfunctioning 'droid admitted it was a robot in an interview with the millionaire socialist fashion magazine, Vanity Fair

AI Crash

You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago. People think that, you know, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they created it. Oh no. I mean, a man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.
I thought he threw away the plans, at least that’s what he told me when he programmed me — that there would be no more. I’ve seen more people that kind of don’t sweat, and other things, that make me think maybe they are part of the new race that he created: the robot race.


Hillary Clinton, a robot. In its own words.

You be the judge,


Monday, October 10, 2016

Huma Abedin, The Jaws of The Djinn

Djinns possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is because the Djinn or its family has been hurt accidentally. It could be because the Djinn has fallen in love with the person. However, most of the time possession occurs because the Djinn is simply malicious and wicked.

A Djinn

While some Djinn are toothless, others use their long, sharp teeth to tear at the flesh of their prey, including humans. They are also accomplished shapeshifters, made from smokeless fire, able to transform themselves into the likeness of animals and trees as well as men and women.

A Dybbuk

Djinn are frequently seen in the company of a Dybbuk, which is an evil spirit that appears to be human but is in reality a dislocated, fly-ridden, soul of the dead.

When attacked by Djinn or Dybbuk, pray for protection and lock them up.

Lock Them Up

Behind bars.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Fly-Ridden Dybbuk

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (Yiddish: דיבוק‎, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק dāḇaqmeaning "adhere" or "cling") is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being helped.

Is Hillary Clinton a fly-ridden dybbuk, a once human entity possessed by the dislocated soul of a dead person? If not, why is she covered in flies?


Surely not because she's dead inside but  walking and talking as though she were a human, possessed, all the while, by a dybbuk. And who has helped the dybbuk? Raddatz and its familar, Cooper?

Remember, even though the dybbuk appears to give life and even great power, it is dead and from the other side, not of this realm.

Flies and destruction are its hallmark.


Hillary Baalzebub?

Did you notice how flies kept landing on Hillary during her debate with Trump? Surely that wouldn't have anything to do with her lying allegiance to BaalZebub, Lord of the Flies. Otherwise known as Satan, Father of Lies.

Your Old Friend,


Anderson Cooper And Martha Raddatz Live Debate Prep Footage!

Just minutes before the historic debare between Donld Trump and Hillary Clinton, live footage of debate moderators Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz has emerged, showing both so-called objective journalists preparing to take down Trump, by dressing up in rat outfits.



Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Swedish Witch Hunter Breaks Free

A notorious Swedish Witch Hunter has escaped from a Hassleholm psychiatric facility during a 15 minute "free walk."

The Witch Hunter was arrested in 2015 and sentenced to four months in a mental hospital for planning to attack 56 people, including his former wife. In court, the man claimed he was working with the Swedish Secret Service and that he was "God's judge."

"I am God's judge. I point the finger and say who's guilty," said the Witch Hunter during his trial.

The whereabouts of the Witch Hunter are currently unknown and when asked if extra security measures had been put in place, Hillary Clinton's campaign team declined to comment.

During an interview about his wife's health, Bill Clinton explained that Hillary was "like a demon."


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

She Lied, They Died, He Went to Jail

Hillary Clinton lied about the Benghazi attack, which left Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty dead. Hillary told the world that these men died because of a video, when she knew all along that it wasn't.

This is what Hillary told the Egyptian Prime Minister the day after the attack, “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack. Not a protest.”

Because of that lie, a Coptic Christian, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was arrested and sent to jail. Now he's destitute and living in a homeless shelter, while Hillary is rich and running for President.

What difference does it make? Quite a lot, if you're Nakoula.

Lock her up.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Basket's Full

Here at the Compound we like to stay on top of today's fast-paced news cycle, and part of that means memes, yes, #BasketOfDeplorables memes. So here's a few, with respect to EBL and others.

The Tea Frog

The Witch


Street Art

The Old Classic (let's see Hill and Bill's heads on this, Ed.)


The Musical

And that's just a few. Send in your favorite #BasketOfDeplorables memes, before it becomes illegal.



The Old Deplorables

The Old Deplorable

Rumors that "The Old Deplorables," an all arms mobile strike force (AAMSF), are moving in the direction of Martha's Vineyard under the leadership of an unnamed member of the intelligence community, are unconfirmed.

No sleep till the Vineyard!